I declared War on Three segments of the population many years ago them being:
1.) The French Both France and all its people and B) Quebec (french canada)
2.) Religion the cancer of society (all religions) especially radical Muslim's
3.) Last and probably least, Mimes, and to a lesser extent Clowns and to even a lesser extent Sock Puppets.
My arch enemy you ask?
Name: Jacques the Sock
Age: 20
Religion: Muslim
Location: Montreal Quebec Canada
Hobbies: Mimeing and Stamp Collecting
If you have seen this sock contact me ASAP and alert me to his location, this sock is extremely dangerous and is suspected to have ties to Saleh Mohammed Awadallah al-Alawi.
This Sock has attempted many times to take my life and the life of my family he succedeed once by killing my dog. Justice must be surved call 1.800.483.5137 if you have any information regarding to the where abouts of Jacques the Sock.