Hey Guys, my name is David, but you can call me Dave or ArtMonkey. The name comes from my website
ArtMonkeyWorld.com Where I create,display, and sell my art. I am 26 years old and have been a fan of Ghostbusters as long as I can remember. I don't remember seeing the 1st one in theatres, but I know my parents took me when they saw it. lol I do remember al the other things that came ater though. From the cartoons, to the toys, hell I even built a protonpack in my early teens before I knew there were people online doing it.And what a ride it has been since then. The last few years I remember there was just a trickle of GBnews but now, man the floodgates are open and I am having a ball drowning.
I have posted before on Protoncharging, and GBFans, I do seem to find myself reading here a lot, so I just thought I would say hi, and introduce myself so on the occasion I may want to post some thoughts on a subject,there's not the socially awkward“Oh by the way Hi
So yeah…4 days to go for the game and I am frothing at the mouth and cant wait to see you all playing online in MP