The Official Real Ghostbusters DVD Q&A Thread

by Chad

16 years, 1 month ago

Hi all,

I was fortunate enough to spend some time with the Real Ghostbusters DVD set this weekend and am preparing an update for tomorrow. Please reply to this thread with any questions you would like answered and I will do so to the best of my ability.

Thanks in advance! :-)


by Ectoman57

16 years, 1 month ago

how sturdy is the firehouse? is it too flimsy to be holding steel boxes?

how snug are the boxes in the house? do they shift?

thanks chad,


by BradRedfield

16 years, 1 month ago

Hearing about how the episodes still have some hairs/scratches, does it look like they just DVNR'd it and passed it off as a restoration?

by matthew1

16 years, 1 month ago

Does the set include any extras to do with the music created for the show? Any interviews with Shuki Levy? Are any of his music cues available on the bonus disk?

by jay_tigran1

16 years, 1 month ago

is there any talk about switching from music to coulier?

by zack1

16 years, 1 month ago

I believe there are many select episodes that have the promised music and effects track, too many AJ said to name. Should be awesome to hear, though the fact that it's there but with sound effects, its kind of a tease, like they knew exactly what we wanted and short changed us :p Maybe one day we'll get the full deal but this will definetly suffice. Can't wait to hear it/hear more!

EDIT: He listed them all now.

by Kingpin

16 years, 1 month ago

I believe there are many select episodes that have the promised music and effects track, too many AJ said to name. Should be awesome to hear, though the fact that it's there but with sound effects, its kind of a tease, like they knew exactly what we wanted and short changed us :p Maybe one day we'll get the full deal but this will definetly suffice. Can't wait to hear it/hear more!

AJ posted a list of episodes featuring the isolated Music/Effects tracks:

  • Mrs Rogers Neighborhood
  • Janines Genie
  • Knock Knock
  • Venkman's Ghost Repellers
  • Boo-Dunit
  • Ragnarok and Roll
  • Collect Call of Cathulu
  • Egon on Rampage
  • Last Train to Oblivion
  • The Devil in the Deep
  • The Cabinet of Calamari
  • The Long Long Long etc. Goodbye
  • Egon's Dragon
  • The Bogeyman is Back
  • The Grundel
  • The Brooklyn Triagnle
  • Something's Going Around
  • The Halloween Door
  • Janine, You've Changed
  • Ghost World
  • Stay Tooned
  • Attack of the B-Movie Monsters

So far there's been no word on the episodes that were redubbed to have Dave Coulier, but I wouldn't expect them to put any in the set.

by zack1

16 years, 1 month ago

So far there's been no word on the episodes that were redubbed to have Dave Coulier, but I wouldn't expect them to put any in the set.

For those Ghostbusters fans who are into self inflicted torture. :-)

by Chad

16 years, 1 month ago

Hi all. I'm running behind on my review as work is crazy this week and I'm coming down with something. I want to do it right, so I'm delaying publication until the end of the week.

That said, I'm here to answer your questions, so bring them on. I'm also going to rename this as the official RGB DVD Q&A thread.

how sturdy is the firehouse? is it too flimsy to be holding steel boxes?

how snug are the boxes in the house? do they shift?

thanks chad,


They boxes are snug. They don't shift side to side, but they sway a little back to forth when you take out the booklet + the bonus disc. As for the firehouse, it is quite sturdy. It holds up well.

by Chad

16 years, 1 month ago

Brad Redfield;131706
Hearing about how the episodes still have some hairs/scratches, does it look like they just DVNR'd it and passed it off as a restoration?

Good question. I haven't viewed all of the video content available, but it looks like the Real Ghostbusters episodes were digitally restored, while some of the Slimer episodes look like nothing more than Analog => DV conversion. It's really hard to say without viewing the quality of the source material.

Either way, it is incredibly impressive and a dream come true to view these episodes in full quality. I've waited a very long time for this and the set has blown away my wildest expectations.