The Official Real Ghostbusters DVD Q&A Thread

by IgnatzKaspir

16 years, 1 month ago

But yes. I watched the special features first and “Collect Call of Cthulu (Cathulu)”. All in all I'm pleased as punch. Plus my friend just called to tell me that he picked up three of the original line up figures mint on card from a flea market for $25 a piece.

I need to get out to my local flea markets more often. The nostalgia of seeing the show again after all these years has gotten me to thinking that I might just be willing to shell out up to $200 for the four original figures and Ecto-1, all still sealed in the packages(call me crazy but then I'd plan on opening them).

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 1 month ago

Ignatz Kaspir;132384
I need to get out to my local flea markets more often. The nostalgia of seeing the show again after all these years has gotten me to thinking that I might just be willing to shell out up to $200 for the four original figures and Ecto-1, all still sealed in the packages(call me crazy but then I'd plan on opening them).

You're crazy… one for wanting to open them, but two, I'm not really sure that $200 would be enough to get you the 4 guys AND Ecto… then again, its been so long since I went to a flea market, who knows?

by Edge

16 years, 1 month ago

In this economy you'll be surprised what you can get if you actually have the money.

by weepel

16 years, 1 month ago

You could probably get the guys for 200 altogether. I think I paid 200 for all four guys, 5 of the movie monsters, ecto 3 and some other random Ghostbusters things. I paid 100 for both Ecto 1 and 1A at the same time. Everything in box. I got them all at some vintage toy store in philly. That's your best bet. Check out places like that around you first and then check ebay. Ebay prices have been pretty hugh up. I also bought these all 2 years ago so prices may have gone up.

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 1 month ago

You could probably get the guys for 200 altogether. I think I paid 200 for all four guys, 5 of the movie monsters, ecto 3 and some other random Ghostbusters things. I paid 100 for both Ecto 1 and 1A at the same time. Everything in box. I got them all at some vintage toy store in philly. That's your best bet. Check out places like that around you first and then check ebay. Ebay prices have been pretty hugh up. I also bought these all 2 years ago so prices may have gone up.

Damnit, I always feel like I can't find vintage toy stores around me…. and I used to live near Philly!

by Shauna

16 years, 1 month ago

is it coming out on PAL region 2??????

by Kingpin

16 years, 1 month ago

The complete collection won't be, I don't honestly know about the individual seasons that'll be released over the course of 2009, but I wouldn't be expecting them. If they are, then great, but I don't know if they'll have the licence that prevented them from selling the complete set in the UK/Europe.

by weepel

16 years, 1 month ago

Doctor Venkman;132443
Damnit, I always feel like I can't find vintage toy stores around me…. and I used to live near Philly!

Don't feel bad, there's not really much here at all. When I moved to Philly I called like 20 shops and no one carried anything. The last person I called said that she didn't stock them in the store, but would sell me what she had from her personal collection. She was really nice about it. She also had a Firehouse in box but sold it like a year earlier. In Pittsburgh there's a cool store called Groovies and I bought all of the guys out of the box complete for like 20 bucks. The first line that is. I also use to live around State College in Bellefonte. Just thought it was interesting to see someone else who's lived there.


by Shadow2K

16 years, 1 month ago

I just watched disc 2 of vol 4, the one everyone is saying too slow. Well I agree it is slow but these episodes I remember being slow when originaly aired, there may of tho been faster versions on a reair of them tho. I have a audio cassette from 1990 that I made of various tv themes, RGB&TMNT mostly, and it has recordings of various speeds of the S&RGB opening.

by dukeofcrydee1

16 years ago

For you guys that own the box set, (so jealous) maybe you can put something to rest for me?

How many damn episodes are there of The Real Ghostbusters?!?!

I've been collecting vintage cartoons and other crap digital for years now. I have 140 episodes of The Real Ghostbusters in Divx and the episode names matches the Episode Guide on Wikipedia.

However I see on Time Life's site that it includes all “147 Episodes”. Then I saw a review for the set where a guy said it had all 134 Real Ghostbusters episodes, plus the 13 short Slimer ones. If that's the case, then how do I have 140 Real Ghostbuster episodes!?

Anyway, I'd love to get an accurate answer and I imagine the box set is the ultimate source. So without $180 to justify spending on this, I turn you you lucky guys that actually have it.
