The Only Real Way I see Ghostbusters III working out...

by Youtes1

21 years, 9 months ago

The story would take place in present time.
The original Ghostbusters 10 years back became like Ghost Janitors. The work was grueling and after a while they grew tired of the occupation. They all agreed it was time to shut down Ghostbusters for good. The world had gotten along fine without the Ghostbusters before and there was no signs of there being anymore END OF THE WORLD scenarios. Each one of the members of the team would’ve gone off to work in their own field of interests.

Peter and Danae go off and raise Oscar. Oscar is now at the age of Seventeen, he has grown up defiant of his mother who after the Viggo incident became over protective of Oscar. Peter has become the biggest influence on Oscar’s life. Because Oscar’s father ran off when he was only a baby, Oscar has accepted Peter as the father he should’ve had.

Janine and Louis go off and have a son because as Janine put it, “motherhood is a very natural instinct.”
The son would realize his parents are both nerds but would be shamed to wear thick glasses. He would likely go into the field of computers and be a whiz at mechanics trying to keep as far away from his parents hobbies as possible.
(this role would likely played by Chris Owen. The geek from October Sky)

As much as we would love to see Egon Spangler get married, lets face it, it won’t happen.
Egon would go into the field of teaching at a University, where another could continue his work. By observing the young minds in his class he discovers one unique intellect that Egon decides to take on to continue on his work and theories when he is too old to work anymore.

One day in the University a spook would appear and terrorize the students. Egon would come out with his proton pack and safely take care of the ghost. Without saying a word Egon takes the ghost back into his classroom and opens up a closet. He has built a small containment unit. Egon’s follower seeing everything runs up to Egon and begins questioning him. He has become fascinated by how the situation was handled because he had never heard of Ghostbusters. The follower soon looks up the team on the internet and realizes how wonderful a company it was. The follower would try to get Egon to go back to Ghostbusting saying that when he saw him in that hallway, he looked twenty years younger. The flattering does not work and Egon doesn’t budge saying that they split up for a reason and that there’s no way of getting the original members to get back together. Realizing that there is a dramatic increase or need for paranormal exterminators, The follower decides to pull together a new band of Ghostbusters that would be related to the original members as closely as possible.

The follower would first go to Oscar and try to convince him of coming onboard.
Although his mother is against the idea completely, Oscar accepts without reason. (Besides he needs a job that pays well)

Louis’s kid also accepts to join the team. Feeling that this would be a wonderful chance to express his hobbies and bring honor to the Tulley name considering his mother and father both didn’t leave good impressions on the Ghostbusters company.
The son would also have difficulties with Oscar considering that one of them is a computer nerd and the other one is a popular comedic guy who would never in his life want to hang around with them.

Ray and Egon although they say they will not join, help out the guys by giving them the old blueprints to the proton packs, the traps, and other Ghostbusters gear. They are also handed a proto type that Ray had drawn up when the Ghostbusters were still together, but the guys never got around to building it. The plans are to the Ecto 2, the flying Ghostbusters vehicle seen in the television show but never seen in the movies. With the combined work of the Ecto 1 by ground and Ecto 2 by air the team sets off to hunt ghosts which terrorize not only New York but much of the Eastern Sea Borg.

As time goes on a fourth member is installed. An African American gangster from Brooklyn, this member serves as the humor, considering he gets the most out of busting ghosts and isn’t afraid to express what’s on his mind. With gold chains, necklaces dangling from his neck, a hair full of dreadlocks, and pants that scrape across the floor. Your immediate reaction is “Oh God” to this new comer who is in it for the job and because the Ghostbusters saved his life from a ghost at some point in the film.

As the four go about their jobs an evil force arises. Some supernatural freak decides to open up a portal from it’s realm to ours. From the realm comes all sorts off odd animals and creatures. The portal has begun to open up right in the middle of a cemetery. The telekinesis from the portal is waking up the spirits. Which is why there was such a demand for ghost exterminators. The guys must go and open the portal, go to another realm and fight the demon responsible for creating the portal and releasing the monsters on New York. The only way to stop the creatures from entering our realm is by completely shutting off the portal. However the only way known to do so would be by setting off high made explosives. 1000 times more powerful then the Atomic Bomb. The blast would be fast and the Ghostbusters would have to get out of there in quite a hurry right?
It sounds simple enough, but it turns out that there are millions of monsters roaming about the other realm wanting to take a bite at the Ghostbusters. And then they have to deal with the demon himself. By doing so they have developed a special ghost grenade that will quickly reduce the amount of energy the ghost or creature has built up.
There plan although a good one begins to fail. This would be the end of the new Ghostbusters, if it wasn’t for the originals who show up just in the knick of time in the modified Ecto 1. They step out and help defeat the demon with their eight proton packs blaring. The Ecto 1 and the Ecto 2 would then rush out of the parallel dimension with explosion and all hell breaking loose behind them. They make it out with their lives just as the portal is closing up. Everything is back to normal and the Ghostbusters go back into retirement for good this time never to return. The new Ghostbusters are here to stay and continue on the legacy and the ghost busting for a new age of fans.

by SgtPepper

21 years, 8 months ago

Hey chris… It's chris.

Nice Idea… and that gangster sounds alot like someone I know…

Anyway as for the new ghostbusters here's how I think they should be played:

Egon's Student- Jason Lee
Oscar- Seth Green ?
Lois' Kid- Jack Black

As for the gangster I have no Idea

by russellnuttz

21 years, 8 months ago

I think the gangster should be Mike epps because if you ever saw friday he is good acting scared and i could just picture his reactins to seeing a ghost

by pvankman

21 years, 8 months ago

I like it except for the other dimension which would take the reality out of the series. I like the ghost grenade and the air support. cast should be
egons student: Toby Maguire
peters son: seth green
louis' son: frankie muniz
gangster:nick cannon
and the original cast for a major cameo that saves the new ghost busters
but what about a girl (kirsten dunst)lol :d

by Youtes1

21 years, 8 months ago

Well not necessarily,

Afterall in Ghostbusters when they got up to the top level to meet Gozer, they stepped into another demention in a way, or where the two worlds colided.

And in RGB in the show Egon's Ghost they had to go into a ghost dimention in order to get Egon back. The place was filled with demons and monsters all of which wanted to eat the Ghostbusters and they had to use their proton packs to fend them off.

And if you were to follow the original script of Ghostbusters III and went after Satan himself, they would've had to go through some time dimension in order to get there.

by kudmunky

21 years, 8 months ago

i think it is a very good idea. i think it needs a little fine tuning in the details but overall i like it.

by pvankman

21 years, 8 months ago

to true


21 years, 8 months ago

Here's my scenario.

One more GB movie to undo GB2 and EGB with the original guys and a brand new world threat. That leads to them wanting to create additional branches around town. Maybe even add a new guy or girl.

Now, that could either lead to a new TV show, preferably live action with guys who resemble the movie guys and filmed entirely in NYC, or even a cartoon. Then, with the new branches, there could be spin-off shows and comic books.

Depending on the success, we get spin-off movies in the Star Trek Fashion until the craze dies out. Also, maybe a movie looking at the future of the GBs featuring cameos by the originals.

Then, we have one more resurrection by having a Smallville-like show about the guys' early days as struggling scientists.

With this scenario, we get at least 10 years of GB stuff and excitement.

by GhostDuster

21 years, 8 months ago

Youtes (i think) thats almost exactly the same idea I had for ghostbusters 3, and a great idea it is. But I think yours is better :d