the only reason gb3 isnt already out

by ghostbusters3n4

21 years, 7 months ago

since 1998 gb3 was a no and until a mircle happens i dont see it happing ever.

But Do We REally want a gb3

Hell yes we want one lol
the reason why we want one so bad is because
you guys want a reason to stay gb fans. you dont need a third movie. we got a comic book coming and a bunch of fanfic and fanfilms coming.
believe me i would love to see gb3 but
i just feel with all the acters are not ever gonnas be up for gb3. We probaly will see a cartoon series and maybe some toys or something. So until god sends down a mircle start looking forward to the cominc and fan stuff cause that all you guy are about to get

tell if what u think

by sg1star

21 years, 7 months ago

ur info is wrong, gb3 was idea been around since 1994-1995 not 1998

by d_osborn

21 years, 7 months ago

well, from the script reviews on and protoncharging, aykroyd wrote the HELLBENT script in 1999.

by sg1star

21 years, 7 months ago

the hellbent script was a revise version of his orginal gb3 idea, and while u couldent call waht he had in 1994-1995 a script he had the basic idea down. and was in talks about doing a gb 3

by d_osborn

21 years, 7 months ago

cool! i guess you learn something new everyday. was the idea just in his head, or was it an actual thing he had typed out that was floating around columbia?

by sg1star

21 years, 7 months ago

from what i understand it was on paper and floating around

by ghostbusters3n4

21 years, 7 months ago

well my fact may be a little off but still

by Tobin2027

21 years, 7 months ago

If a GB3 doesnt get made within the next 2 years, then Im giving up on GB3 and GBs all together. Call me a “not a true fan” or whatever but it gets kinda boring watching the same two movies over and over. I mean, they're great movies but eventually its too much, and too much is not enough. You can say Im not a true fan but I really dont give a d*mn. Tell that to my closet, which is nothing but Ghostbusters toys, tons of stuff. But come on, you gotta admit, a book made out of cheap paper only about 20 pages long isnt gonna keep many interested. It takes bigger things. And even a cartoon cant do it. Cartoons are great and all but geez, Im 18 and I dont feel like watching cartoons. I would of course if they were to make one but for the more mature audience which most of the Ghostheads consists of, would like to see a movie. At least me that is. And If I dont get a GB3 soon, I will just move on.

by venkman69

21 years, 7 months ago

Yeah Tobin me 2. Anyone remember that guy last year who said Paramount Dreamworks had picked up the GB3 project, ready to start making in 2005? That thread had over 100 posts to it and was floating around for months last year. Whatever became of that? I'll give up at the stroke of midnight on 31st December 2005 and then my hopes will be finally over.