The Only Way A Petition Would Work

by Dr.Spengler

22 years, 8 months ago

So many posts, small sites and what not over the years have tried but failed in trying to make an effective GB3 petition. (Or RGB, or whatever the case may be).

The only was I see a petition working is if, at, one was put up. Assuming at least half of the users here signed it, we'd have over 1600 signatures right there (as of this post).

As users piled up over the years, signatures would pile up, and eventually who knows how effective it would be.

Chad, you of all people would know how to set up an effective petition, considering you had what, over 15,000 signatures for the petition?

All I'm saying is that is the only way I envision a GB3 (or RGB, or whatever it might be) petition working.

Just a suggestion.

by Ghostbuster_D

22 years, 8 months ago

I agree. But I ain't pressuring Chad to put one on the site.

by ProtonCharger

22 years, 8 months ago

im gathering you could petition sony out of the wazoo for a gb3 and they will still say no. why do people insist on petitioning for this anyway? bill murray doesnt want anything to do with it, and from all i read, he's 80% of the membership's favorite.
i see no point on a gb3 petition. petitions work for products like a porkins figure, or a duros, or saving napster or what ever. but not a movie.
think of this senario.
would you sign a petition for a sequel to punisher starring dolph lundgren?
would you want to be the company that is petitioned for that?
would dolph reprise his role?
would the company petitioned read the petition? 15000 signatures online( i just created my 4th yahoo account today, meaning, any joe schmo can get alot of screen names and sign the same petition)

truth be told, imo an online petition is worthless. written ones go a longer way with big wigs. not that im knockin chad for getting that many sigs for napster, props for that.

by Dr.Spengler

22 years, 8 months ago

Truth be told, I am not a big fan of online petitions myself.

Really I was only suggesting it, and since people have tried so many times but failed.

I think the chances of it working are slim, but I suppose it's worth a shot.

Like I said, I've never really been a big fan of petitions. Just a suggestion.

by back

22 years, 8 months ago

it may work, sony may keep tabs on past successful franchise delelopments ie. GBN.
im gone.

by CloneTroop15

22 years, 8 months ago

How about I just send out an e-mail to Sony/Columbia pictures and let ‘em know how many fans there really are out here waiting for a GB3 film? I’ll just give ‘em a link to this message board! That should convince ’em! wink

by ProtonCharger

22 years, 8 months ago

im tired of seein petitions for gb3. in the post above i stated why it wont happen.
its not going to happen. its been discussed many times, and there is no end. because every newbie, or joe dont read the boards will come on with another gb3 petition that they will give up on because nobody cares.
and if anyone replies with somebody cares…. although it would be nice for one, it just isnt going to happen. what the hell is the point if bill murray doesnt want anything to do with it?
now come on, close the book on gb3 petitions.

by RGBPrincessKat

22 years, 8 months ago

I think sending a petition through yahoo or hotmail, saying “If you would like a Ghostbusters 3 send this email to your friends who you think would also would like one” Would be a very effective way to do a petition. i have gotten forwards with a list of over 200 people who also recieved them. and we will have a count of how many people want a GB3. Just a suggetion.


by ProtonPackMan

22 years, 8 months ago

Hi. I signed a online petition for Family Guy on Fox. We had over 86,000 signatures and they still wouldn't touch the show. And that was for a TV show, not a movie. But I would still sign a petition for GB3 if it was serious.

by Zack

22 years, 8 months ago

same thing when bands break up…no matter how many millions of albums are sold or how many millions of fans want them back together, if there are disagreements between people, that's just that.

Look at Van Halen, no matter how many millions of people wanna see them reform, there is still conflicting points of view from between the band and Sammy Hagar and David Lee Roth.


sorry for the horrible analogy smile