The only way it would work, period is to keep the old Ghostbusters. NO NEW CAST ADDITIONS! He is 100% right about using new actors like Bruce Campbell. Anybody here seen The Majestic? Bruce Campbell is the star of a fake movie-within-a-movie and the first comment heard in theatre in this seen was, “Look! It's Ash!”. There is no doubt that GB3 would be successful, but let's not be too hard on Jurassic Park3. We should hope it would be that high-quality. Look at the pattern here: Jurrasic Park Rocks, The Lost World was, ummmm, semi-decent, and Jurassic Park 3 was better than the Lost World but by then the whole concept was stale. Same thing with the GBs. Great film, Mediocre/Inferior sequel (admit it), and if it's made, GB3 will fix the mistakes from GB2, but it will never be the original. We all KNOW that Bruce Campbell would make a GREAT Ghostbuster! But he is Ash, dammit, and HE WILL ALWAYS BE ASH! Look at any actor you love. You don't love him/her, you love the CHARACTER! And that's why a new cast won't work, because they will be relying on the traits of a fictional character when casting an actor. In ANY Matthew Perry movie you've seen, Matthew Perry is Chandler, no matter what the character name. Same character, different situation. And this is what is know as being TYPECAST.
Now that that unpleasantness is over, I present you with my GB3 idea:
It is the year 2003(or whatever year the film is released), and the GBs have been incredibly successful over the past 14 years…However, they are getting up there in the years. Think the RGBs in that episode of EGB/XGB. While out on a routine spook check, Spengler is injured, not severely, but enough for him to realise his own mortality. Now this where they could go with the Train a New Team idea, or my idea. Spengler sets to work in the lab with an invention that will prevent any ghosts from being stranded in, or allowed to enter the mortal realm. The device fails miserably (but not without some quips from Venkman), and ghosts are unleashed among us with a Hell on Earth type of thingy. Now it's up to the Ghostbusters to save the world! Just like always…a stale plot, but in the end they are going to be heroes, except now we have a valid reason for their failure and this “they were barred from performing work as paranormal investigators” crap from GB2. We have them being failures again, being despised by the EPA, can you smell the William Atherton cameo, and they go out with a bang by besting the head demon, Satan himself, and thus ridding the world of ghosts. Period. No more sequels. They go into retirement. Ernie Hudson is a major character with some lines, dammit! And no more sequels. We get a real end to the series, not this “we'll bust another ghost overlord every film” crap. The main problem with this is the Saturday morning cartoon sure to follow!

Now I don't expect everyone to agree with my ideas for the film, but everyone should agree that I made some valid points, as did most, if not all, of the people involved in this discussion…that is all.