the only way GB3 would work - period

by Subway_Ghost

22 years, 4 months ago

I disagree with you. Ghostbusters 3 can be made without the originals being the main stars. But the new group has to be actors people have not seen before. Fresh, new, and good actors who have a slight scientific look to them would be perfect! There are a number of ways that they could be introduced. For instance, one could be a very good customer at Rays bookstore. He would always be into the paranormal and discuss it with him.

Then, about the story, what if it turns out that little baby Oscar has a demon within him. This demon was put into Dana by Gozer, years ago. When Oscar was born the demon left her with him. The demon would escape three times, casuing much disturbance in the city.
Then after the third time a gateway is opened and Gozer returns. Gozer`s original form was not destroyed, it was only sucked back through the gate. Gozer is back and the new team of actors/ghostbusters must stop the end of the world.

That is just my idea, hope you like it wink!

by diehard485

22 years, 4 months ago

If you ask me, ghotbusters 3 would rock hard if they had a great concept. The original had an awesome concept, and great comedic actors, but if will smith comes within a hundred yards of this film, may he be struck by lightening that is 4 miles wide! We all know we need a number 3, and if there is one, Sam Raimi wouldn't be a bad idea to bring on as a director. He's got an edge for good comedy, and has used great camera techniques in evil dead 1 and 2, if he could incorporate that into GB3, it would be better than if it was made without him.

by SadEmoKid

22 years, 2 months ago

This needs to see the light of day for a a week or so. Sorry if you are bothered by it's return. But for the benefit of the newcomers…indulge yourself in some insightful writing…

by RentonGb

22 years, 2 months ago

This is one of the better posts on this board on this site. Great Disscussion, good arguments, there should e more post like this in the future.

by Ghostbusters213

22 years, 1 month ago

My “i wish it could be true” Ghostbusters 3 movie cast:
Dr. Ray Stantz - Dan Aykoryd
Dr. Egon Spengler - Harold Ramis
Dr. Peter Venkman - Bill Murray
Winston Zeddemore - Ernie Hudson
Danna Barrett - Sigourney Weaver
Janine Melnitz - Annie Potts
Lewis Tully - Rick Moranis
Slimer - Slimer
Ghost Enemy - whoever

This cast will do the success…. GB3 the movie… year 200????
I bleed myself waiting for this movie.

Hey… visit my GB metal covers song page at:
I ain´t afraid of ghosts yikes

by Gmoney

22 years, 1 month ago

Another crappy installment?!?! If you are implying that GB 2 was crappy then I am speechless, cause GB 2 was a perfect example to how a sequel should be. GB 2 was just awesome. And you dont want a GB 3?????!?!? What are you trying to do, are you trying to ruin it for all the other millions of Ghostheads that have dreams about GB 3 everynight. What if Sony came on here and saw your post and thought that nobody wants a GB 3. Then it would be people like you that made all the other Ghostheads biggest dream to become a dream forever. Wow, thats some insane stuff. A Ghosthead that doesnt want a GB3?! Im just speechless and dont try and prove to me why there shouldnt be a 3rd movie. Because there should be a 3rd because we deserve it. And the series deserves it. And thats the last word.

by SadEmoKid

22 years, 1 month ago

No offense GMoney…but did you read this whole post???

GB2 killed Ghostbusters. It was not a great movie. It was cool to see the guys back, but it could have been done a lot better. As for people NOT wanting a GB3…they may in fact be doing you a service. Making a new movie for the sake of keeping them alive would push them further into their graves than they already are. A movie can't be done without the original cast. Ans even if they all came back, the comedic stylings of today are far different than in years past. No one wants to see our boys stoop that low. GB is not about money, it's about a timeless comedic cast and a wonderful and original idea. To quote Bilbo Baggins…“I feel like butter pread across too much bread.” That's what you get with too many sequels, and not enough ideas.

by evil_toaster

22 years, 1 month ago

Let's face it - there's almost 100% chance that the film will not go ahead if there are no new stars.

So I think the big question regarding GB3 now is: Would we rather see…

1) A movie with Dan Aykroyd, Bill Murray, Harold Ramis, Sigourney Weaver, Rick Moranis, Ernie Hudson, and Ivan Reitman; made in perfect tradition of the past two films, with a great script and plot; and just being generally what we want it to be - but having it fall flat financially and become unliked with many of the younger members of our society? If this is what happens, those who are not “ghostheads” may be turned off by the new film and thus with the entire franchise, which then causes our GB community to grow smaller. So in this case, the end result would be a great GB film which satisfies us, but does little to promote GB-awareness amongst non-ghostheads.

Do we want this, or…

2) A movie with mostly new, popular actors, with small cameos by the original cast; somewhat in the style of EGB; generally a film which fails to follow in GB tradition. This doesn't really sound that great to us, but it has more box-office potential than the above idea, and this could result in new GB fans. Now, chances are, if these new fans enjoy GB3, they'll definetly take a look at its predecessors, grow to love the first two movies, and become “ghostheads”. This in turn helps the GB community to grow.

So what would you rather have?

by Eltar

22 years, 1 month ago

I'm a very new member of this site, but I must admit that I agree with a lot of what has already been said in this post.

It would be difficult for GB3 to work without the original cast, but it would not neccessarily be impossible. If the story had a plausible reason for the changeover.

I agree with diehard485 in saying that Sam Raimi would be a very good choice for director, should the choice be necessary.

I also believe that GB3 is dead (for now), but - as the films show - the dead sometimes get up and walk around
I, for one, am going to keep on hoping.

by Randy

22 years, 1 month ago

Umm, no and no again. GB 2 was a great movie and it shows just how a sequel should be. GB 2 was just absolutly awesome.