the only way GB3 would work - period

by leprechaun_4

22 years, 1 month ago

I think that a new GB movie with new GBs would work if we got the right actors. Yes, it would be great to see the originals back again, but they are too old to be doing another physical movie. Have any of you seen Bill Murray latley!? He looks really old. We need to get some actors that can handle the proper comedy aspects. No stupid sex or fart jokes that accompany most comedys these days. I personally think that Liev Shriber(spelling?) would be great as “the straight man”, Jimmy Fallon as “the funny one”, Jeffrey Combs as “the smart one”, and i'd like to see a female GB. Let's say… Rose McGowan. And the good thing is that none of them really have a “face” so to speak. None of them are really big actors. Sure, Jimmy Fallon is from SNL, but hasn't been in any movies. Jeffrey Combs is known as Herbert West from the Re-Animator series, but only to hardcore horror fans. The other two have some work under their belts, but neither of them are instantly recognizable to the masses.

by Woym

22 years, 1 month ago

Ya. I agree with many of you guys when you talk about casting and so forth. I definitly agree with brian_reilly when he talks about TYPECAST. This is even more apparent with the career of Adam Sandler. Look at many of his recent movies: they all involve him being a guy with anger issues.

I almost completely agree with Bizdog. I also agree that long posts are cool. Anyway, I think that a new GB cast of younger guys would be the best idea… but the old GBs must definitly pass the torch.

The whole prob with the new GB cast idea is that you need to find a REALLY good way for the torch to go from the old hand to the new. There has to be an awsome story and reason for it to happen. Of course we don't wanna see a Batman Beyond type story where kids simply break-in or find the GB HQ… we want a legit reason. Also we don't want any kind of “Dr. Stantz's newphew is the lead GB” type. Avoid relatives and stumble-upon-HQ types. Thanks.

by bizdog

22 years ago

Hey all,
I wrote the original post that started this, and a few others in between. I havent been back to this site in forever, namely because I have given up on GB3 ever being made. After reading a brief review of it over at, my fears were confirmed about how low it could possibly sink.

I just wanted to respond to two posts about Ghostbusters 2, in which it was stated that GB2 was “a great film” and “exactly what a sequel should be.” Good god, these comments make me sick, and heres why:

Somewhere, long ago, I posted a script analysis and comparison between GB1 and GB2, and found them to be remarkably the same. Im not going to go over it again only because I dont have that much time on my hands, but the basic point is that both films are, structurally, THE SAME FILM. From the inciting incident (the incident early on in a movie that changes the characters lives forever) to the Act 1, 2, and 3 progression and turning points, its all exactly the same. The only difference? It wasnt new. It was a rehash. The same thing done twice.

Now in response to “exactly what a sequal should be.” No, this is exactly what Hollywood wants you to think a sequal should be. Lets go over some of the great sequels that exist, such as Terminator 2 and The Empire Strikes Back. They succeed because they take the best elements from their originals and spin them in a WHOLE NEW DIRECTION. And in completion, I consider both films to be superior to their predecessors, thus proving that GOOD SEQUELS ARE POSSIBLE!

I LOVE GHOSTBUSTERS 2. I personally think that the court room bust is one of my favorite moments ever committed to celuloid. That being said, I love it because I love Ghostbusters. It was not a successful movie, at least not in the direction they were aiming. The reviews were terrible (nothing new; a sleeper) and the box office was equally bad.

Lastly, someone said that if Sony execs came to this board thinking of making a GB film, they would read this post and turn away. Fine. Good. I hope they do. Because that would mean they are vapid enough not to have read into the true meaning of these posts. And if their views on another GB film are that shallow, then I hope it never gets made. I consider the first ghostbusters to be a rare event in filmmaking history, the result of the perfect mix of talents. I highly doubt it could be duplicated.

AGAIN: I want GB3 to be a great film. Anything less shouldnt be made.


PS - to the guy - I love your site, but come on! “I dont want to ruin (GB3)”. Trust me, you arent ruining anything. more details, please.

by Shadow_weaveR

22 years ago

I would have to agree 100%! great insight man.

by Jmoney

22 years ago


by Shadow_weaveR

22 years ago

hey buddy, call me an asshole and a chinese raping whatever again and ill slap the silly out of your n00b nether regions.

by Jmoney

22 years ago


by Jmoney

22 years ago

GB3 is gonna own all.


21 years, 11 months ago

All I have to say is: Star Trek. Take a look at it, the franchise goes on with a completely different cast than when it started. 5 series and 10 movies later it's only just now starting to lose steam. There's so much that can be done with GB, but problem is too many purists are focusing on keeping it the GBs they know. You could bring in a new team. You could have a totally new concept. You could present an alternate version like say kids in high school who invent the gear. Basically, the possibilities are limited only by our own minds and how much slack we're willing to allow.

by GhostBustersIV

21 years, 11 months ago

A new team?! no Peter, Ray, Egon, or Winston!? Never!