the only way GB3 would work - period

by gbray

21 years, 11 months ago

i'll just whate in the shadows till gb3 comes

by Trapper

21 years, 11 months ago

I know its kinda waaaaaaaay late but Bizdog the love the cast suggestion of Bruce “The man,myth, and the legend” Campbell Bruce Rocks! Dare i say Evil Dead 4? hopefully, hehe atleast we have a sweet video game comming out for Evil dead


by Paranormalfreak

21 years, 11 months ago

who thinks Rob Lowe should be a ghostbuster?

by TaxiCabFloor

21 years, 10 months ago

In response to Bizdogs well thought out post…

I would venture to say that the “95%” estimation of the improv…that went on during the filming of GB1 is a little high. When Ramis,Reitman, and Akroyd did the re-write…they had Bill Murray in mind for the role of Venkman..and Ramis even said he liked writing for Bills character, now while it IS true that there was improv going on (some of the most genius work on that movie, paticularly Rick Moranis, in his party scene towards the mid-to end of the film). However, i would say the number 95% improv is way off, when it comes to the one-liners in Ghostbusters 1. As it pertains to Mr. Akroyd's writing ability, i agree whole-heartedly, Akroyd had a GREAT concept…and Ivan Reitman recognized that, and suggested that he work on it with Reitman. Reitman viewed it as a going into business movie, while Akroyd's original script has the Ghostbusters set in the future, competing with other Ghostbusting companies. What do i think they could do, to make GB 3 work???

Well as much as i hate to say it…you have to get a new cast, it seems like a cliche, but it's the only way to make ghostbusters thrive. I elaborated abit on what GB3 should be like on another board, however i'm changing it up just abit. Use Ramis,use Hudson,use Akroyd…throw Murray in for a cameo…but you have to find 2 Ghostbusters, Jason Lee might be a good fit for one, David Duchovny for another perhaps? Either way, i'm not committed to JUST these people, but i just want to get the idea across…i want to stay AWAY from Extreme Ghostbusters, I don't want GB 3 to be a poster child for Politically Correctness, No, i don't want a plethora of societies misfits or outcasts, no gothic girl, no wheel chair patients, no stereotypical hollywood latino accents. Just two…normal guys. The emphasis here is NEW characters, we can't go with the “brains,mouth, and hands” concept. This time, you center the story around two new guys. I think Akroyd and Hudson could get the job done with two new guys, as much as i'd love to throw Murray in there, and Ramis, i just can't see them in action, between Bill's gray hairs and Harolds gut, i don't believe it would be appealing to see them in action, as much as i LOVED them in their roles. The idea is…make these two new guys carry THIS film…and the next one. No one said there has to be 4 Ghostbusters. It may seem like a small change, but it changes the face and expectations of Ghostbusters. Also by using just two ghostbusters…you can develop two characters, their relationship, their backgrounds in a much more in depth fashion, I believe this to be very beneficial to the cast, as well as the fans. This may burn into the fans mind…that this is a gradual process, as well it'd be very akward, and would pull back from the movie greatly, if you just brought in Ray and Winston, found 4 random people to be ghostbusters, and then within that hour and 30 minutes, fill you in, on all 4 of these people, and see them evolve and react to this new world that they're being brought into, this new lifestyle. Also, you bring these two new ghostbusters in, and they act as a surrogate to the viewer, much like Winston did in GB1…but of course this duo will have a much more prominent and important role. Now, you still have to define these two characters…but just by definition and experience (story wise) they'll become the brains, and the mouth, and the hands…both of them, this is a very broad outline, but the major emphasis is TWO ghostbusters…so many people assume that we get a new movie, and assume that we'd be getting 4 new Ghostbusters, and i think that expectation ALONE ruins the concept of this movie.

I agree with Bizdog for MOST of what he said, but the new ghostbusters and bringing in new guys is the ONLY way to go, OBVIOUSLY the casting is VERY crucial, as is the story…but i believe they can get the script and story RIGHT…if you bring together Reitman,Ramis and Akroyd and refine the concept. I also agree with Bizdog that Extreme Ghostbusters was very forgettable, I am all for a revival of the Real Ghostbusters cartoon, or something like it, but please…either USE the Original RGB characters…OR get 4 new characters, or two, and gradually work in another character or two…and go from there, and stay away from all of the stereotypical, politically correct characters to draw in a more diverse audience, because it WILL insult your hardcore, and most loyal viewers…which is exactly what EGB did.

by evil_toaster

21 years, 10 months ago

Dude, I agree. One of the best things about Ghostbusters, in my mind, is Dan's concept.

And you're right about the new casting, for the most part. Check out my analysis-y post on page 2.

And, welcome, Mr. Floor, :d to GBN! You're well on your way to being a legend here by the way you're posting!

Hands new member a couple of smoking traps

by MuthaPussBucket

21 years, 10 months ago


Assumingly..if you're reading this, you've read the rest of the thread. That being said…I think it's very humorous that the guy who started this post didn't even know Bill MURRAY'S last name! It's very simply typed “Bill Martin”, now granted this could be a mistake…

Anyhow, I also found a few problems with the original post ideas. For instance, it's stated to get someone who hasn't been made a “character”…yet he suggests Bruce Campbell, known to everyone as Ash.

As for Bill Murray looking old, have you seen Harold or Dan lately? Check out the movie Orange County for an update on Dr. Spenglar.

Lastly, I promise you, there will be a GB3, but it will be with a new cast. With “IT” coming out soon and Hollywood's “seemed like a good idea at the time” attitude, you watch, my friends.

by TaxiCabFloor

21 years, 10 months ago

:reluctantly takes the two traps from Evil:

Thanks, my pleasure.

All kidding aside, I'd just like to see the GB franchise thrive again, and the 3rd movie's best direction…in my honest opinion would be in a direction similar to the one i proposed…but i'm not fixed on seeing the movie (if there is one hopefully) follow that concept exactly…but just specifically stay away from the storylines and concepts that I, and most of us fear the most, which I brought up in my previous post.

by bizdog

21 years, 9 months ago

Ryan, its me, I wrote the original post. First off, it's a stupid mistake, get over it: Bill Martin, Bill Murray. If you want to know the reason, I had just watched the episode of Seinfeld in which Mr. Steinbrenner is listing the number of mistakes he's made with the Yankees and trading away great players…and he keeps repeating Billy Martin over and over. Musta got stuck in my head. That being said, if that rendered everything I wrote irrelevant, than stop reading now. Seeing as I own a replica proton pack, have watched the original films several hundred times, can recite certain episodes of RGB…I promise you I know GB. Again, it should have been blatently obvious from my posts. But just in case you were wondering.

“it's stated to get someone who hasn't been made a ”character“…yet he suggests Bruce Campbell, known to everyone as Ash.”
If you read what I originally posted and not skipped around, you realize that my argument goes as follows: 1) do not put known actors in GB rolls…2) I listed my dream cast…3) I negated the names I just listed by specifically stating NOT to use them. In fact, I believe I actually said that BRUCE CAMPBELL IS FOREVER ASH, but apparently, you missed that slightly crucial detail. We are in agreement on this one, I believe.

“Lastly, I promise you, there will be a GB3, but it will be with a new cast.”
I never said there wouldnt be a GB3. I only asked whether it would be good.


by bizdog

21 years, 9 months ago

TaxiCabFloor - actually, I dont think my 95% estimation is very off at all. Have you read the shooting script? I am constantly amazed at how different the film is from the script.