The Real Ghostbusters REDUBS

by LetsBurnHoles

16 years, 8 months ago

Hello everyone! I'm so happy I found a great discussion board like this for Ghost Busters. My love of the franchise was borderline insane when I was a child, and that joy of the films and cartoons never left me.

I wanted to share with you my REDUBS for The Real Ghostbusters. I just recently started working on them, and it's been a lot of fun recreating the voices for some of my favorite characters. Here is what I've done so far:

Mod Edit: Be advised, the following videos contain swearing and graphic language, so if you're not a fan of mixing sex terms with cartoons, don't watch.

Episode 1 - The Prostitute -

Episode 2 - Sex By Stereo -

Episode 3 - The Porn Star -

Episode 4 - Just Beat It -

Episode 5 - Midnight Snack -

Episode 6 - Uncle Gaylord -

Episode 7 - Rainbow On Your Parade -

Episode 8 - Separation Anxiety -

Episode 9 - Winston's Dream -

Episode 10 -

I try my best at getting the character voices down, while at the same time recontextualizing the show to be well… very homo erotic. HAH!

It's all for laughs kids. I hope you like. Again, I'm just glad to have found this message board!


by zack1

16 years, 8 months ago

You win the internet! :-) Good job and hopefully everyone knows it's all in good fun. Glad to see ones that look to be thought out as well as the words actually going with the characters mouths moving. Those are always my favorites. :p

I think at first listen in the first few seconds I actually thought it was Frank Welker as Ray. (*ray)

by Kingpin

16 years, 8 months ago

One the one hand, some of the impersonations are almost spot on, Ray's sounds enough like Frank Welker, and Peter sounds enough like Dave Coulier.

On the other hand, I don't care for the swearing or the subject matter…
I'll take the opportunity to put in a note to your post saying that it's strong language not everyone will want to hear, especially coming from cartoon characters.

Not that there's a huge need for it at the moment, but have you ever considered doing RGB impersonations for serious fan work? Like a flash animation?

by LetsBurnHoles

16 years, 8 months ago

Yeah, it's going to be one of those things that some will love and some will hate. I myself in no way mean to tarnish the ghostbuster franchise… I'm just exercising my work as an editor and voice actor really.

Not that there's a huge need for it at the moment, but have you ever considered doing RGB impersonations for serious fan work? Like a flash animation?
I wouldn't mind doing something like that.

Voice acting is a sweet gig that I've been lucky enough to do professionally a couple of times.

I did a bunch of small character voices and background dubs for the anime Full Metal Panic Fumoffu. I believe they used my work in three episodes. I also did the voice of the mascot for North Pole Network TV, a program that would run on TV's for kids waiting in line for Santa.

I am self taught. No formal training. I suppose some training would only strengthen my craft, and this is something I've often thought about doing.

There seems to be a mostly positive response to my work, and that I'm happy to see. I have noted your concern though and added a disclaimer to the bottom of my first post.

Oh, and as for other fan fiction, as a filmmaker and script writer, I am currently writing a Ghostbusters fan film that I hope to one day produce and direct. More on that as it develops.

Thanks for the feedback guys!

by zack1

16 years, 8 months ago

What episode does “The Prostitute” come from? I don't recognize it. Must be one I haven't seen in a long while!

by theo1361

16 years, 8 months ago

ha ha that was awsome :-)

by Mjollnir

16 years, 8 months ago

Good dubbing. Hilarious too.

by Kingpin

16 years, 8 months ago

What episode does “The Prostitute” come from? I don't recognize it. Must be one I haven't seen in a long while!

It's The Collect Call of Cthulhu.

by zack1

16 years, 8 months ago

Thanks Ben. I can't even remember if I watched that one recently. Off to the megadownload thread I go.

by LetsBurnHoles

16 years, 8 months ago

Thanks for all the feedback guys. I'm glad what I'm doing is being enjoyed by the fans.

EPISODE 4 is now online:

