The revised Ectomobile Conspiracy.

by back

23 years, 1 month ago

The ECTO-1/1A('s), how many did Sont Inc. really build and where are they now? Well truth be told - its a bit of a conspiracy after false information exchanges between myself and Barris Kustoms. One fact has been made clear, “hollywood is all smoke and mirrors” and George Barris did Not build Any of the Ectombiles from the films with the exception of the ECTO-1 replica placed in the car stars musem located in Gattlinburg TN. As now from information gathered from the Ghostbusters message board Sony did infact buy the Black Hearse and another Hearse (both Cadillac M&M combos) for the first film. At this point in time i will not go into detail about what happened with the 2 during the filming but i do know that later, during the second film the black hearse that appeared earlier on in Ghostbusters was converted into the ECTO-1A for the filming of Ghostbusters 2. In Universal Studios Florida, belived to be either a Superior or Eureka model Cadillac ambulance was purchaced and converted into another Ectomobile for a paranormal attraction. For additional promotial reasons (or reasons unknown) yet another ECTO-1 was built by Sony and placed in the Cleveland area. This particular ECTO-1 looks like the genuine article, becuase it is. - in a way. The Cleveland ECTO-1 is wearing almost all the authentic ECTO-1 Ectoplasmic gear on it due to the stripping of the ECTO-1 at sony studios, now sitting next to the ECTO-1A Rusting away in the transportation storage lot. Below is a quote from an Email recived from a specialist in the area of film props and this is what he had to say about George Barris:

I must tell you that I had a similar respect for the King of Kustoms,
however Mr. Barris attempted some inappropriate legal manuevers against
my company which ultimately backfired. What I discovered about Mr.
Barris in my quandry was that he takes credit for everyone elses work in
Hollywood. Yes he has done some cool cars but because he shouts the loudest people
presume that what he says must be fact. I know that he created a copy
of “Ecto-1” (Gattlinburg) not “the” Ecto-1“ but due to his long time
habits of self promotion, I thing he really believes he was the
driving force behind this car as well as ”The Monkeemobile, Black Beauty and
assorted others. It's sad in a way, however Hollywood is all about smoke
and mirrors.

My conclusion at this point in time is that you can't belive everything you hear, even from a reliable source. A trusted source. Things are almost never as they appear and the famous last words: “Just when you think you know a person…” comes into play like a punch in the face. As I stand now, to my knowlege there are 5 Ectomobiles throughout the United States. The 2 originals from the films are resting in a storage lot of sony studios, Universal Studios Florida is apparently restoring their Ectomobile into a retro of the ECTO-1A, the Car Stars musem Ecto-1 & The ECTO-1 that resides in the Cleveland area. Take note that the only Ectombile out of the above that is still crusing the public roads is the Cleveland area ECTO-1. I thank the members of the GBMB for correcting my false information feeds and leading me in the right direction to the correct answer of “where”, “when” & “who”. Once again, any and all additional information is more than welcome in completing this article.

This article is from ECTO-INFO, if any of the above information requires updating or is inaccurate in any way. please correct me in a reply or email. thank you.
im gone.


23 years, 1 month ago

Barris the cruel, Barris the lier, Barris the un-holy, Barris the butch, and Barris the rat fink.


23 years, 1 month ago

You all do know this pretty much confirms everything I have said the whole time.
I even supplied the name of the person that Built the original car (see the Mystery solved thread)

by d_osborn

23 years, 1 month ago

hey jesusfreak, ed roth did the rat fink smile
back, now you need to come up with a list of all the replica ecto's in the us. smile


23 years, 1 month ago

Ed Roth? Huh? Please explain. As for the list, that's excatly what Back is doing, I think.

by back

23 years, 1 month ago

Very true ECTOI, thats what you had been saying. I was just stuck on Barris because of his public rep until i got in touch with a bud in the customs business. and a listing of all the Ecto's in the USA made by sony is posted above in the article. once again, any and all additional infomation that i may be missing please reply with it.
im gone.