The scientology

by newrecruit1

17 years, 8 months ago

I found an article and I thought it was interesting.

What's “scientology”?
It's a religion that explains why people act “bad” when they are created “good”.
The reason, they say, it's because their thought are “parasitized”, “reactant”.
In this “reactant”, which block “wisdom”, your mind is deviated by the intrusion of “false, hidden data”.
The origin of this “reactive mind”, the “deviation” leading to mistakes is this:
“75 millions years ago, Xenu, the extraterrestrial and master of the gallactic confederation, had imported on Earth billions of extraterrestrial beings, frozen, from all the confederation (made of 76planets), on board of a space ship that looks like a DC8 american plane.
He put them in volcans before making them explode by using atomic bombs.
Their souls then reunited themselves in the body of Earth's human beings.
This souls are called ”Thetans“ and still survive today in people's body.
That chapter is called ”Incident II“ and its traumatic memories ”Wall of fire“ or ”Implant R6".

What a better way to say that you're not responsible for the bad things you do. “It's not me… it's my invisible friend!”, “It's not my fault if he/she was hurt, I'm a good person inside… I was possessed by Aliens!”, or better “Kill those aliens bastards!” But I don't think this last one is what they want us to believe.

Man, those “good alien” movies inspired some people. But I still like “StarMan”, “E.T.”, “Enemymine”, they contain a lot about the human behaviour. It's better to use a being from another planet to tell us, the poor/stupid persons, that our fashions are weird. Who would like to see someone criticizing our way of living over and over again, in each movie? The alien is nothing more than the poetic image of the author.

Ironically, the scientology gave itself the goal of building a civilisation which will contain no madness.
Not less ironically, the scientology is opposed to psychiatry and all forms of chemical treatment for mental illness; the psychotropic “alters” the normal judgement.

Of course, you don't want to be drugged, too numb to not being able to write down your inspiration. Specialy not if you can be surrounded by fame, power, money, in return.

Religion's recipe is like that: take a group of persons with you, put your cards on the table to know what exactly you are after, be sure to share the same vision, and choose the best person able to “sale/defend” that vision to “mr/ms curious”, always work as a team, always say that your vision/actions is “the ideal for everyone”, and ask for a small donation to help it survive “in this dump we still live in today”. They need you to give them power and they always get mad when you speak about them in a negative way, attacking their illogical weakness.

Life lasts only 100years, is it that hard to let people live in peace, without the need to exploit them?

Now it's like “The man who fell to earth” and “E.T.” are leading the “monopoly” boardgame we're still in today. I mean by that that we prefer to leave our own intelligence at the extraterrestrial's advantage. How many give the pyramids to the alien? In 1000years, the humanity may give Mount Rushmore to alien as well, who knows? :p

by thejoker1

17 years, 8 months ago

Are you drunk?

by Kingpin

17 years, 8 months ago

New Recruit… I'm left at a loss as to what your point was… all I really got out of that was “Scientologiests are nutballs” and I knew that one already

It does ramble on a bit and could use from some re-writing.

by PeterVenkmen

17 years, 7 months ago

I don't get his point? He's not really leaving any thing open for discussion.

by fome

17 years, 7 months ago

he is this guy is a true poet I don't see how people don't get what he says

by misfit1

17 years, 7 months ago

I take offence to this….

…I think

by blutoblutarsky1

17 years, 7 months ago

he is this guy is a true poet I don't see how people don't get what he says

Carl Sandburg and Robert Frost were true poets; I don't know what this guy is.

by fome

17 years, 7 months ago

I wasn't comparing him I'm talking about the way he express himself…

that aside, well, I guess he is a person just like everyone else in here…

by Kingpin

17 years, 7 months ago

I wasn't comparing him I'm talking about the way he express himself…

that aside, well, I guess he is a person just like everyone else in here…

I think the expression was purely accidental. :p

Thing is that whilst I got the overall tone he felt Scientology was moronic and full of double standards, it didn't feel like a coherant line of thought in the topic… more random things he decided to add which in the end made a meandering and rambling post…

by PeterVenkmen

17 years, 7 months ago

The only explanation of Scientology I know is the South Park version lol.