the SIM BUSTERS (!!!Peter shooting proton stream in SIMS!!!)

by Chad

21 years, 2 months ago

Then I'm sorry to say but you are EXTREMELY ignorant Kat, Kingpin was a Sim Flightsuit/object specialist, and just b/c you never heard about it dosen't mean it's not there. your probably so outdated that you won't believe anything btw the members who I gave the skins/objects/heads to aren't complaining they said they enjoy them and btw again just for the record, doubters don't recieve my stuff so you just blew your chances of even trying them. next time speak of what you know, not of what you don't know :@

I think it would be in your best interest to act like a civil human being, especially given your past. Be thankful that you were given a second chance and learn to show some respect. Both to yourself and others.

I would think an apology is in line.

by DocRyedale

21 years, 2 months ago

I'm sorry Ben. Wait a second, he was talking to Winston777. :-) :p

by Kenzo777

21 years, 2 months ago

-sigh- Not because Chad asked me to, but simply b/c I was going to do it anyway….Sorry Kay…I didn't mean to bite your head off if anything, i'd LIKE to prove you wrong and give you the stuff. But there is alot of controversy about the RGBS's. Some myths and truths about what they can and can't do, I have that section upon the site for you to check it out. Later I thought about it and said to myself “Maybe she was just talking about them busting ghost on sims” That part isn't impossible, but improbable. The sims are real tho' so is the firehouse made by Bo. -sigh- Egon's real and he was made by it's probably the best RGBS you'll find of Egon. :p (Chad) I can't expect you to be a friend if everytime I turn around or I and another ghosthead have a disagreement, you throw that in my face

by Kingpin

21 years, 2 months ago

Oh brother.

And Kenzo…I am not waiting for you to screw up.

But for future reference, we don't correct people with enlarged, angry red text.

by Kenzo777

21 years, 2 months ago

…can we um…get off my case now…i'm changing the subject. So what do you guys think of the sims? i mean on a quality level that is.

by JohnnySparks

21 years, 2 months ago

I think the sims is pretty outdated and boring. It was fun in 2000, but not any longer I think.

by sweet_kat221

21 years, 2 months ago

I accept you're appology. I went to Chad with this problem because I didn't want someone on the message board to be mad at me. And I didn't want a fight to happen. If it went any further I would have left the message board. I'd rather be in an atmosphere where people can get along.

As for the Sims I wish they could have real conversations. Instead of just blah blah blah. Lol or is that just their language. Its good though that you can make them have relationships with each other. Sometimes I just let them do what they want. Although I don't understand why they just use the washroom when they have to instead of making me make them use the washroom. The graphics in the sims is cool. The people look real. It's good that they don't have all perfect looking women and men like in most magazines do. Anyway I'll stop talking there's a lot more I could say.


PS: they need different music in the sims. It sounds like boring elevator music lol.

by NileQT87-Solo_Blues

21 years, 2 months ago

you can get your own music into the music folder. i was playing b movie box car blues, flip flop and fly and twisting the night away in my sims…lol. nothing as hilarious as blues brothers and animal house songs playing in sims.

now somebody should make a bluto sim…haha. that would be awesome!

i think im going to attempt to make the delta house sometime. unfortunately i suck at the game. i really need a way to edit stuff.

does anybody have software that lets them change faces and clothes and stuff?

by Kenzo777

21 years, 2 months ago

lol @ kat, n/p. I don't know how to get music in the sims, BUT I do know how to get music to play while playing sims. Have your music file playing, then load sims. The music file should totally override the sims music, it slows the game down just a bit but it's no problem for me, I like the RGB music playing while I'm playing with my RGB sims. Not lol (elevator music) :p

by sweet_kat221

21 years, 2 months ago

Cool ok just saying I love the new style on the message board good work people. My first impression was Wicked! Lol. I really really feel bad for what I said now Kenzo. I downloaded the BTTF sims. Although do youre rgbs really go on busts? Cus I found skins with GB suits from the movie and I found Ecto 1. But they cant drive it :@ I wish I knew how to make my own sims. I also found some disney characters. Lol I know you might not give them to me but just asking if I can have some Rgb skins? I understand if you don't give me them. I dunno who made the Ecto 1 that I found but it's pretty cool.
