The Skull of Vigo the Carpathian

by crusader_x

13 years, 10 months ago

A custom cursed artifact not seen in the video game…

by JamesCGamora

13 years, 10 months ago

I'd go with clumps of hair to give it a more Vigo appearance.

Beyond that, looks cool. I assume the skull proper is a Halloween Remnant?

by AdamBestler

13 years, 10 months ago

It looks more like my ex wife than Vigo.

by crusader_x

13 years, 10 months ago

I'd go with clumps of hair to give it a more Vigo appearance.

Beyond that, looks cool. I assume the skull proper is a Halloween Remnant?

I have a blond wig to cut apart and add locks of his hair, it's just hard to gauge how that will look. I don't want people thinking this is the skull of Marylin Monroe.
Yeah the skull itself was found in Halloween clearance a long time ago. It's foam with some kind of hard shell on it for texture and durability. The original paint scheme was pretty decent but I painted it up with lots of different layers to make it darker.

Adam Bestler;170550
It looks more like my ex wife than Vigo.

Should we build an isolation containment generator for her head? smile

by AdamBestler

13 years, 10 months ago

No. I just keep it in a shoebox under my bed.

by JamesCGamora

13 years, 10 months ago

I have a blond wig to cut apart and add locks of his hair, it's just hard to gauge how that will look. I don't want people thinking this is the skull of Marylin Monroe.
Yeah the skull itself was found in Halloween clearance a long time ago. It's foam with some kind of hard shell on it for texture and durability. The original paint scheme was pretty decent but I painted it up with lots of different layers to make it darker.

Have you thought about “dirting up” the hair to make it look as old as the skull?

by Nix

13 years, 10 months ago


A custom cursed artifact not seen in the video game…

Great. A 16th-century Geoff Peterson.