21 years, 7 months ago
21 years, 7 months ago
21 years, 7 months ago
21 years, 7 months ago
i agree with Dr. Venkman The filmation GBs are great in there own way. He never compared it to RGB. He just sayed he liked the show. If you ever watched the show without thinking of RGB or trying to compare it to GBs you would see that its pretty good… Lol how could you Critisize a monkey!!!! monkeys rock WOOOHOO!!! loli actually laughed the first time i heard the idea of a monkey catching ghost its pretty funny..
21 years, 7 months ago
21 years, 7 months ago
21 years, 7 months ago
21 years, 7 months ago
Dr. Venkman9sam1
hey Venkman… i was thinking about writing a Crossover about FGB meets RGB. but i dont know much about FGB and i was wondering if you might help me with my story. I was thinking along the lines of Sam hain and the Bad guy from FGB team up to destroy the GBS and the world. So they team up and save the city. I think it would be cool having Tracy and Slimer team up… it would be good.
Well heres the jist of FGB's, its like a child version of Ghostbusters really, but they have a main enemy, “Prime Evil”, a robotic demon, kinda like Darth Vader but without the powers, he uses a organ to conjure spirits for the ghost Busters to fight. They're car, the Ghost Buggy, is like a mix between the Knight Rider car and the Ecto One, it can fly though. They have a friend in the future called Futura, she can tell the boys what kind of obstacles will be in they're many journeys, but only vague details can be given, she can also travel to their time. And thats the main idea. :p
21 years, 7 months ago
21 years, 7 months ago