the TRUE Ghostbusters, Preprotonpack era...

by wesyeed1

21 years, 7 months ago

I suppose he needs them for the flying car then. And I'm definately interested in any sequels.

by drvenkman3

21 years, 7 months ago

I suppose he needs them for the flying car then. And I'm definately interested in any sequels.

This show was one of my personal favorite when i was just a little buster. It actually happend on accident, my dad wanted me to see some of the RGB but out of good will he accidentally got these guys and a fan was born. These guys are great to watch for a good laugh or two. :p

by exorcist313

21 years, 7 months ago

Hey the RGBs and EGBs defeated Ghosts more advanced than the Banshee, That Band with Mortacai, That Fire or rust Demon, Those Ghosts in The great Ghost show. I meen nothing harmful about the Filmations Ghostbusters. But they had a Monkey and a Ghost Gummer. But some of those eps reminded me of the original ideas that Danny had for Ghostbusters. Like some of the eps when there in the future or space…you guys know what I am saying? The Filmation GBs also seemed like they were too, How can I put this, Cheesey.

Tell him Steve-Dave!

by drvenkman3

21 years, 7 months ago

Hey the RGBs and EGBs defeated Ghosts more advanced than the Banshee, That Band with Mortacai, That Fire or rust Demon, Those Ghosts in The great Ghost show. I meen nothing harmful about the Filmations Ghostbusters. But they had a Monkey and a Ghost Gummer. But some of those eps reminded me of the original ideas that Danny had for Ghostbusters. Like some of the eps when there in the future or space…you guys know what I am saying? The Filmation GBs also seemed like they were too, How can I put this, Cheesey.

Tell him Steve-Dave!

You seem to be missing the point of FGB, THEY WERE FOR KIDS!!! God DAMN! RGB were for a more older audience in a manner of speaking, FGB was based on the ORIGINAL ghost buseters in the 1970's so if anything is a rip off, its RGB.

by exorcist313

21 years, 7 months ago

But I rented tapes when i was like 5 or 6 and i still like RGB better, But that could also be because of that i was more into RGB at the time.

Tell him Steve-Dave!

by drvenkman3

21 years, 7 months ago

But I rented tapes when i was like 5 or 6 and i still like RGB better, But that could also be because of that i was more into RGB at the time.

Tell him Steve-Dave!

We ll you cant go from proton throwing, positron collider carrying, ghost trappin boys in gray to a childish show full of immature antics….its just not a good switch. FGB got me INTO GB, thats why i think they are great, well one of the main reasons

by d_osborn

21 years, 7 months ago

if you like FGB so much… why don't you post at the FGB message boards?! oh wait… THERE AREN'T ANY!!! :p

by drvenkman3

21 years, 7 months ago

if you like FGB so much… why don't you post at the FGB message boards?! oh wait… THERE AREN'T ANY!!! :p

Was that supposed to be insulting? Geeeee…..maybe you should put more thought into those. I dont WANT to post at them…this thread started by me asking if anybody knew of the characters, to see if anyone else knew.

by sinister1

21 years, 7 months ago

I saw two eps of this, and flatly… apart from a VERY catchy tune, it was so crap! They chased after this ghost in a red coat all the time and they never caught him…

by drvenkman3

21 years, 7 months ago

I saw two eps of this, and flatly… apart from a VERY catchy tune, it was so crap! They chased after this ghost in a red coat all the time and they never caught him…

YOUR STILL MISSING THE POINT!!! Why would grown men and women be watching this!?!?! HUH!?!?! DO YA KNOW!??! OF COURSE NOT!! This show was pointed at kids who didnt quite understand the whiole RGB plot! And the keyword in THAT sentence…..KID!!! What made you think youd me entertained by this show NOW!? C'mon!! Think! Thank You For Your Attention