The Unofficial Ghostbusters Download Center

by egon92

21 years, 7 months ago

When do you think these will be available for download?

by Widnez_boy

21 years, 7 months ago

(^_^) Kool Site Dude

by brianreilly

21 years, 7 months ago

Why bother trying? Now that Chad, our lord and master, is back, why should I bother trying to make my own site. GBN is the only site we need. Sure, it's not as good as any of the original sites, but it emulates them well enough. No one visits other sites when GBN is around, so I see no need to put forth any effort in mine.

by spengs1

21 years, 7 months ago

Brian, don't give up bro. You were onto something with your latest effort to put up RGB episodes. If the community is going to grow, with or without Chad, we need more sites, especially more original ones. Think about it before you throw your hard work away.

by brianreilly

21 years, 5 months ago

If the emails are any indication, a few (hundred) of you seem to have noticed a lack of updates on the download center. Let me explain this:

-The GBDC has been around in various forms since about 1996, albeit with a few different names, but it was never this large.

-In my final semester of high school, I had only two classes, and was working only about eight hours a week. Naturally, I had loads of time to put into the download center, and it grew to include a couple hundred files, the most complete price guide anywhere, a large image archive, and much more.

-The GB Online Community went to war in mid-June, and in all honesty, I lost interest in the download center. Frankly, it's a relatively high-traffic site for a fansite, and at the time, too much was going on to keep putting work into it. It was literally a full time job from January to June, and I needed some time away. Also, during that time, I was banned from this board.

-I went on to other projects that I decided were more important to the online community. GBComm is perhaps the most comprehensive of this. Again, I'm plugging it, because I am saddened by how ill-received it was. I also began work on an online card game, but sadly, had to drop out of the project due to time constraints. I also helped GB:Nightsquad put together their new site, as well as helped found E.C.T.O. Canada, another franchise. I also started work on another project, which I won't get into here.

-Now, I am in my second week of college. I am very busy, and have little time to work on any of my projects. In all honesty, I have little desire to anyways. This community shows little support for most sites.

Bottom line is this:: I recently did a rather small update for the download center, the first in over a month. I have great things planned for it, but don't expect it to have the daily updates it did last year. There's just not that much content left to put up (let's face it, Ghostbusters has been a dead franchise for over ten years), and what's left is harder to do.

by brianreilly

21 years, 4 months ago

Well, last week, I added a copy of the 1986 RGB Promo commercial…I'm busy working on yet another new project, but it should sctually help benefit the download center as well.

In all honesty, I can't think of anything to add to the download center at this point. So if there's something you think should be added (and it can reasonably be done), post it here.

by sky_hero_ash1

19 years, 7 months ago

Well, now that your site has gone into the big Protection Grid in the sky; now what?

by Omoplata

19 years, 1 month ago

RIP download center, if only i knew it when it existed. good luck in the future

by CeE_DeEzY

18 years, 7 months ago

thats a kool website man

by M.Adman316

15 years, 7 months ago

Have you changed the URL of the site? I select the link at the top
of this post and it keeps brining up search engine