The Users

by deadderek

22 years, 9 months ago

When I search to find a particular user ,I have to click on users.I have too scroll throught like 10 or 20 pages before i reach the right person. I think it'd be simplier to click users,then have a screen with letters(A-C)(D-F)etc.

by MarySpengler

22 years, 9 months ago

Somebody should tell that to Chad.

by MasterSpider

22 years, 9 months ago

I ofund that as a problem too, but there is an easy way around it. If you look at the address for when you load users, there is a number. Just type in a higher number and speed yourself through the pages. It takes a bit of guessing, but it's easier to pinpoint a user than going through all the pages from the beginning.

by borzou99

22 years, 9 months ago

actually, there is a way to find them. In the search box on the top left, search the user name you're looking for. Click on one of the matches, and you're bound to find the user name. It takes but a teeny ounce off patience.

by MasterSpider

22 years, 9 months ago

Ahhh, well you know I never even noticed that! Cool!

by Chad

22 years, 9 months ago

This site is full of little tricks like that, much like google. It will get much better soon. Including a new user browse UI.