The Venting at Sigourney Weaver & Rick Moranis Thread

by ShanghaiKid

16 years, 8 months ago

Both are idiots and no good pair of cow dung!!

Ghostbusters made them!! Well maybe not so much Sigourney (Alien) as it did with Rick Moranis ,but come on what are they doing now? Absolutely nothing. I hate it when people act like they're too good to do something. It always seems to happen. I remember when David Duchovny left the X-files for his “big Screen” career… well look at how that turned out. Yeah now he's broke and forced to do more X-files movies.

Ghostbusters 3 was their opportunity to revive their now irrelavent careers!!

I bet Sigourney is planning on doing a 6th Alien movie. Rick Moranis is probabaly working on a Romantic Comedy about a guy going through a divorce titled“ Honey I'm taking the kids…. and the house and the car.. and the dog”

Pathetic bunch of losers!!! In China the Gov't would mandate that they be in the Ghostbusters 3 movie or be executed!!

by castewar1

16 years, 8 months ago

Tell me what you know of why Rick Moranis passed on voicing for the video game.

Because you're missing a lot of pieces of the puzzle, and you're rant isn't coming off as righteous as you think.

by ShanghaiKid

16 years, 8 months ago

Tell me what you know of why Rick Moranis passed on voicing for the video game.

Because you're missing a lot of pieces of the puzzle, and you're rant isn't coming off as righteous as you think.

he says he is a billionaire now…. Tom Cruise has more money than Moranis but doesnt act like a f'n jerk. Tom Cruise did MI 3 and I bet if the script was write he'd do a top gun 2.

Rick Moranis is acting like a spoiled brat

by newrecruit1

16 years, 8 months ago

I must agree; you're very hard on them for nothing.

If your message is “Ghostbusters 3 was their opportunity to revive their now irrelavent careers!!” You could have forget the bad words, specialy the “In China the Gov't would mandate that they be in the Ghostbusters 3 movie or be executed!!” You're not giving a good picture, here. But I take it as a joke.

By the way, actor/actress owe us nothing. They are also free to choose if they will continu in a project or not. It has nothing to do about “being to good for something”.

The actors and actress aren't alone too in this industry. Many people have their influences. And sometime they just close the door at some good actor/actress (but I don't think it's the case here about GB).

You're free to think what you want about what Weaver and Moranis are doing. But, to help you, don't throw something like they're a “Pathetic bunch of losers”, you will just put everyone against you; and not because it's Weaver/Moranis.

About Cruise… !*cough*! scientology !*cough*!

by OniellFord

16 years, 8 months ago

he says he is a billionaire now…. Tom Cruise has more money than Moranis but doesnt act like a f'n jerk. Tom Cruise did MI 3 and I bet if the script was write he'd do a top gun 2.

Rick Moranis is acting like a spoiled brat


He did it because his wife died and wanted to spend more time with his family, kinda like what Richard Dean Anderson did.

Please get your facts correct before posting threads like this. With false facts, the thread you make/made is useless.

by castewar1

16 years, 8 months ago

he says he is a billionaire now…. Tom Cruise has more money than Moranis but doesnt act like a f'n jerk. Tom Cruise did MI 3 and I bet if the script was write he'd do a top gun 2.

Rick Moranis is acting like a spoiled brat

Really, it's not Moranis that's acting like a spoiled brat.

by ShanghaiKid

16 years, 8 months ago

I must agree; you're very hard on them for nothing.

If your message is “Ghostbusters 3 was their opportunity to revive their now irrelavent careers!!” You could have forget the bad words, specialy the “In China the Gov't would mandate that they be in the Ghostbusters 3 movie or be executed!!” You're not giving a good picture, here. But I take it as a joke.

By the way, actor/actress owe us nothing. They are also free to choose if they will continu in a project or not. It has nothing to do about “being to good for something”.

The actors and actress aren't alone too in this industry. Many people have their influences. And sometime they're just close the door at some good actor/actress (but I don't think it's the case here about GB).

You're free to think what you want about what Weaver and Moranis are doing. But, to help you, don't throw something like they're a “Pathetic bunch of losers”, you will just put everyone against you; and not because it's Weaver/Moranis.

About Cruise… !*cough*! scientology !*cough*!

Excuse me but we the fans have paid their salaries and for their life o luxury and also putting their kids through the college!! They owe us!!

by newrecruit1

16 years, 8 months ago

I bet it's never too late to put “humanity” above “economy”.

They owe us nothing; we're all slaves of the same game named “Economy” and we are also free to pay or not for somthing; it is no contract.

by ShanghaiKid

16 years, 8 months ago

I bet it's never too late to put “humanity” above “economy”.

They owe us nothing; we're all slaves of the same game named “Economy” and we are also free to pay or not for somthing; it is not a contract in this case .

Correct, but we are also free to vent at the very same people who have made a living off of us and then turn their backs because they no longer “need” us. ……. Kudos to brendan Frasier for Doing Mummy 3 and harrison for for coming back for another Indy and Sly for doing Rambo.

They are all much bigger than Little Rick and It would be understood if a world class actor like Harrison Ford decided not to do another Indy movie, but it's unforgivable for moranis to just dismiss ghosbusters like it means nothing.

by newrecruit1

16 years, 8 months ago

They didn't made “a living off of us”, they worked, they made something, they proposed it to the public and some decided to buy the product. Final Dot.

We can't say “they turn their back at us”, because when they decided to do movies, it was only a job like all the others. It's not a contract with the public; it is made only to entertain.

It's our problem if we see them with more responsabilites, or like if they are “special” people; it's the result of our perceptions in front of someone “living” on the big screen; they don't know us, they appreciate that we like what they do, but if someone say “hey, I love you!”, that's a double edged sword.

Kudos to brendan Frasier for Doing Mummy 3 and harrison for for coming back for another Indy and Sly for doing Rambo.

I suggest you to watch less movies for sometimes.

They are all much bigger than Little Rick and It would be understood if a world class actor like Harrison Ford decided not to do another Indy movie, but it's unforgivable for moranis to just dismiss ghosbusters like it means nothing.

I understand also how much you may turn angry if someone came to you saying that you cannot be forgiven for not doing a “movie” for him/her.

And if we give more “luxuary” to someone else, it's our damn society problem. We all deserve to live in good conditions, without exageration, and, to my view, those who works against a civilisation derserve education or…….

And, please, take note about what the other members said about Moranis.