The Venting at Sigourney Weaver & Rick Moranis Thread

by castewar1

16 years, 8 months ago

Again, you're talking out of your butt.

How do you figure he owes us? He acted, he got paid. Tit for tat. Done. Beyond that, he doesn't have to do anything.

Now, if he were living in a gold beachhouse, being served drinks with umbrellas by trained monkeys, while tossing bales of money into a fire, screaming “Screw you all!”, then yeah, that'd be a jerk thing to do.

But he decided he didn't want to do the Hollywood thing anymore, and spends his days in New York hanging with his kids and writing music.

Here's the reality of the situation - he liked working on Ghostbusters, he didn't like working on Ghostbusters 2, and he talked with the game producers, but they couldn't come to an agreement. End of story.

Also, just so you know, Harrison Ford didn't make Indy 4 just for you.

by castewar1

16 years, 8 months ago

Excuse me but we the fans have paid their salaries and for their life o luxury and also putting their kids through the college!! They owe us!!

By the way, when this thread is locked (and it will be, pretty soon by the looks of things) this is the comment that started things down that path. Just so we're all clear. This is the “There is no rational conversation taking place here” moment.

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 8 months ago

Excuse me but we the fans have paid their salaries and for their life o luxury and also putting their kids through the college!! They owe us!!

Not Exactly.

They owe us nothing. He has just changed his priorities from his career to his family; a move that I applaud in complete honesty.

But on the bigger picture, just because he has decided not to a voice in the game doesn't mean he won't for the sequel. For alot of Hollywood, voice acting for games in unfamiliar ground for them and are hesitant at best to be invovled with it. The same thing is true with CGI as well

So we know why Moranis doesn't want invovled with a movie sequel.

Now Weaver. I remember her saying that she felt she was too old now to play Dana, which I disagree (that woman gets hotter the older she gets). But if thats her feelings on the matter than we, as fans need to respect that and get over it.

Besides…the first movie and its sequel focused to much on her anywhom.

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 8 months ago

By your logic, ShanghaiKid, no one in this world should ever be allowed to retire.

Everyone who works is in some way providing a service for someone else. Otherwise someone wouldn't pay them to do it. Whether that service be acting, entertainment, a professional sport, a desk job, a mechanic, whatever… its still a service that someone is providing to someone else. This would be like saying that your favorite mechanic couldn't retire because you, as a customer, have paid for his salary and paid for whatever luxuries he's been able to afford.

Stop talking like an idiot.

by ShanghaiKid

16 years, 8 months ago

Doctor Venkman
By your logic, ShanghaiKid, no one in this world should ever be allowed to retire.

Everyone who works is in some way providing a service for someone else. Otherwise someone wouldn't pay them to do it. Whether that service be acting, entertainment, a professional sport, a desk job, a mechanic, whatever… its still a service that someone is providing to someone else. This would be like saying that your favorite mechanic couldn't retire because you, as a customer, have paid for his salary and paid for whatever luxuries he's been able to afford.

Stop talking like an idiot.

Calling me an idiot? First off moranis isnt retired!! Oh he only told the Ghostbusters crew that he was .. the upcoming “Bob and Dave” cartoon stars Rick Moranis… hmmm, yeah retired my @ss

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 8 months ago

Doctor Venkman
By your logic, ShanghaiKid, no one in this world should ever be allowed to retire.

Everyone who works is in some way providing a service for someone else. Otherwise someone wouldn't pay them to do it. Whether that service be acting, entertainment, a professional sport, a desk job, a mechanic, whatever… its still a service that someone is providing to someone else. This would be like saying that your favorite mechanic couldn't retire because you, as a customer, have paid for his salary and paid for whatever luxuries he's been able to afford.

Stop talking like an idiot.

Calling me an idiot? First off moranis isnt retired!! Oh he only told the Ghostbusters crew that he was .. the upcoming “Bob and Dave” cartoon stars Rick Moranis… hmmm, yeah retired my @ss

You neglect to respond to the bolded section. The part that has the point about retirement. You just jump right to the part about me saying you're talking like an idiot because the point I made is legitimate and goes against your senseless attacking of the character of these actors.

Are your parents retired? Should they ever be allowed to? What about you? Do you work? Should you ever be allowed to retire? Everyone's job exists because someone else depends on their output and is willing to pay them for that output. Just because an actor's output might be more entertaining than a “regular” person's job, doesn't mean that they don't have the right to choose when they retire or start working in limited amounts once they have made enough money. The man is taking more time with his family, a damn respectable decision.

by castewar1

16 years, 8 months ago
