the vs fanafic thread

by misfit1

17 years, 8 months ago

ghostbusters 3007
Come on, can't you guys give me a chance? :-(

Honestly, if you cannot spend the time at least trying to make your posts legible to members of the human race, then you cannot expect people to waste time taking you seriously.

by sinister1

17 years, 8 months ago



3007, Please try to use punctuation in your posts, we don't expect things to be perfect, hey, I'm guilty of typos. However on the whole we do appreciate a certain level of care put into posts.

Misfit, I appreciate your annoyance, however there are many more diplomatic ways in order to get your point across, please try one of those next time.

Fome, it is admirable that you are attempting to stick up for the 3007, however once again, please try to do it in a more diplomatic fashion, and don't sink into a silly “whatever” argument.

Sayingkingkilla, I have NO idea what “fap fap fap” means, but I'm sure it's not helping.

3007, with regards to your post, it is generally not considered the best of ideas to make such posts in your junior days of the board, once youve become a senior member of the community and have already exhbited your own artwork or fanfiction, it becomes much easier to hold such competitions. The problem is that fanfic done to a quality level takes a LOT of time and there's little incentive to undertake such a task for an informal competition run by a newbie. I'd reccomend writing your own stuff for a few years and then maybe trying again.

However if anybody is willing to take part in the “competition” feel free.

by fome

17 years, 8 months ago

thank you for your diplomacy Iain and for teaching us all the way…

by Sayingkingkilla

17 years, 8 months ago

I now see the light.

I am very tempted in posting a 300 quote right now.

by fome

17 years, 8 months ago

Sayingkingkilla, I have NO idea what “fap fap fap” means, but I'm sure it's not helping.

by sinister1

17 years, 8 months ago

Sayingkingkilla, I have NO idea what “fap fap fap” means, but I'm sure it's not helping.

That's disgusting… really…

by fome

17 years, 8 months ago

definitely… the british are more polite (sucking up sarcasm) :p

by sinister1

17 years, 8 months ago

definitely… the british are more polite (sucking up sarcasm) :p

Actually I'd say that's a major yes and no.

Half of Britain is by far more polite than America as a whole, and the other half is by far much more vulgar *cough* chavs *cough*.

by Sayingkingkilla

17 years, 8 months ago

Sayingkingkilla, I have NO idea what “fap fap fap” means, but I'm sure it's not helping.

5. Benni fapped off in a park while people walked by.

I lol'd

definitely… the british are more polite (sucking up sarcasm) :p

Actually I'd say that's a major yes and no.

Half of Britain is by far more polite than America as a whole, and the other half is by far much more vulgar *cough* chavs *cough*.

Gollum is a chav


Just kidding, do they kill or something?

by sinister1

17 years, 8 months ago

Well Chav's and gun crime are rather connected, but generally they're just violent, aggressive idiots who have no concept of hygiene or good social behaviour.

They also tuck their sports trousers into their socks.

Here's a joke…

What do you call a Chav in a white tracksuit?

Ans: The Bride!