The Xbox 360 Red Ring of Death

by mdp872105

16 years, 8 months ago

Well after having my xbox 360 for about two years now I have encountered the dreaded RED RING OF DEATH. :-( Thankfully though Xbox was smart enough to make there warranty three years instead of one and is going to fix mine for free so I can't complain to much.

So here is my question, with the red ring of death occurring so much how many of you xbox 360 owners have had this happen to you and when did it happen.

Mine went out right after I played the new happy tree friends game. What really made me mad though was I just brought a brand new switch box for my monitor so I could us it to play my 360 and for my computer. May I note it work like a charm, then the next thing I knew I went to start my xbox 360 up again to do something I forgot to do and that's when it happen. I hadn't had my new gadget a day when it occurred. I was madder then the staypuft marshmallow man at a boy scouts camp on smores night.(*flame) (*flame) (*flame) (*flame) I called the company and they said they would fix it so I was glad and about that. All I know is if it happen three months from now I would have been really pissed off.

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 8 months ago

Actually had that happen to me Six months after I had my first 360 (notice I said first 360) but hasn't happened since. When it red ring and kept freaking out and I left it alone for a few weeks and when I got some time I called Microsoft.

Just before I started packing it up a friend of mine told me to wrap it up in towels, turn it on and leave it on for 30 minutes. I figure…why not…If it doesn't work I haven't lost anything. I trieded it and I will be damned if it started working as good as new. Surprised the crap out of me.

I must note though that it did finally kapoot for good 5 months down the road though and red ringed one more time before the final goodbye.

by Only_Zuul

16 years, 8 months ago

I must be one hell of a luck guy, I have never had the RROD.


16 years, 8 months ago

Only_Zuul wrote:
I must be one hell of a luck guy, I have never had the RROD.

I've never had the “red ring of death” on my Xbox 360 too. I play games and watch DVD's on it all the time and never experienced any problems.

by newrecruit1

16 years, 8 months ago

Some people even say that microsoft knew that their 360 had problems and that's why they took the time to add the red light on the system…

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 8 months ago

I remember hearing a story that prior to the release of the 360, when they were showing it off to a video game magazine that the one they were demonstrating red ringed. Unsure of the validity of that.

by boholbrook1

16 years, 8 months ago

I remember hearing a story that prior to the release of the 360, when they were showing it off to a video game magazine that the one they were demonstrating red ringed. Unsure of the validity of that.

There's video of that.

by AdamBestler

16 years, 8 months ago

“Are you, X Box, menstruating right now?”