The Yet-To-Be-Announced 8th Product...

by Spike

21 years, 7 months ago

All the evidence I've seen points towards a videogame

by toygeek1

21 years, 7 months ago

Dan Evans
Toygeek, do you have something you'd like to share with the rest of the class?

Sorry I missed this, I've been really busy and haven't been here in a couple weeks. Without going into too much detail…because most of it's really boring…the story is this:

WAAAAAAY back…several months ago now and how to get in touch with him for a friend of mine at a toy company. They were interested in doing toys. (and this was back when we still just had Mark's art.) When the two companies finally got together, the licensing guy for the toy company determined that they did not have the license to do figures. So the toy company contacted Sony directly to look into it. Sony would only license out RGB likenesses, and wanted more for them than they were willing to spend.

Obviously, the circumstances could have changed since then…but assuming they haven't, then that's where we are.

This doesn't mean that action-figures CAN'T happen. Just that they aren't “#8”…If they happen, they'll be somewhere down the line.

Hope that answers the question.


BTW, the original “the information is there” thing that I was talking about was a news bit for the online comic newsletter called “Lying in the Gutters” that Rich Johnston does every week for It said that 88MPH was doing a GB comic, with art by Mark Brooks (Transformers and Voltron fans should know who he is by now…he was “El Diablo”) From there, it was a hop, skip and a jump to figure out that Sebastien was Red. Especially if you match up any interview he's ever done to Red's posting style. Though it does sometimes pay to play dumb.

by toygeek1

21 years, 7 months ago

So they tell us 8, technically we get 3: comics, posters and NECA Statues.

Actually, I'm tending to lean towards the NECA stuff not having anything to do with the comics. I mean, if the comics take place after the movie, which we know they do, then how would Staypuft show up? Besides…their Slimer doesn't look the same.

Just an observation.

by Arsenal

21 years, 7 months ago

So they tell us 8, technically we get 3: comics, posters and NECA Statues.

Actually, I'm tending to lean towards the NECA stuff not having anything to do with the comics. I mean, if the comics take place after the movie, which we know they do, then how would Staypuft show up? Besides…their Slimer doesn't look the same.

Just an observation.

Well Staypuft could be in Flashbacks, or issue 1 could potentially start at the end of the first movie.

so we might see him.

I haven't seen the comic version of Slimer, so I wouldn't know if the statue matches the comic.

But you also have to remember they are going to make the most marketable characters, and everyone knows Stay Puft.

But if the statues don't count I'd say a video game might be possible.

by Glycerine

21 years, 7 months ago

I usually don't like to venture into the whole comic products and what they are discussion.. But if I'm right, Sebastien said that there would be 8 products in 3 categories. Now comes the part that is just guesswork.
1: Books
graphic novels
art books
Trade paperbacks

2: Wall Hangings
Wall Scrolls

3: #8 and possibly others like it.

As it seems they have stuff listed for television on thier site, so there's a chance it could be that.. If some sort of licensing for figures came about they might fall there.. For all we know the third category could be “miscellaneous stuff”. I still think that if you want to get a decent Idea of what we might get GB product wise that will deal with comics, pick up a new issue of “he-man” and look in the back. There are all kinds of comic stuffs (yes, including most of the above mentioned products and more). Personally I'm not going to get all worked up trying to figure out what #8 or category 3 is, or any of it to be honest.. We have an idea of what we're getting so far. We'll find out the rest as it comes about. I think that's about the best way to handle it.

by 9sam11

21 years, 6 months ago

it would kick @ss if they sold licenced prop replicas.. i wonder how much they'd be? anyway it is most likely a new show, then a toy line. then a game. and then *da da-da da dada daaaa!!!!!!* Ghostbusters 3!

by OrkoIsKing

21 years, 6 months ago

it would kick @ss if they sold licenced prop replicas.. i wonder how much they'd be? anyway it is most likely a new show, then a toy line. then a game. and then *da da-da da dada daaaa!!!!!!* Ghostbusters 3!

They'd probably be more than any of us could afford. I'm guessing at least $800 for the proton pack and gun alone.

by slimerboy

21 years, 3 months ago

tron 2.0 has a video game out on pc so ghostbusters will mostlikly get one as well

by dantheman1

21 years, 3 months ago

tron 2.0 has a video game out on pc so ghostbusters will mostlikly get one as well
Tron 2.0 was developed independently from 88mph Studios by Disney Interactive, so that's not necessarily true.

by lionheart1

21 years, 3 months ago

I want a video game the most… probably because I love them all so much. Luigi's Mansion was really fun, so we know the ghost catching system can be put into good use (then again, what CAN'T Shigeru Miyamoto do when it comes to video games?). Hopefully they could get the team that made LM to do it, but the chances are almost non-existant, so my next picks for developers would be EA, Konami, Silicon Knights, or Capcom.