There's day like this

by newrecruit1

16 years, 10 months ago

Where you wonder what's the use. We receive all kind of informations about how to make our world better. I hear that since school in the 80's. Now it's 2000 and little is made today. I watch the news and documentary and it's always the same song. I start to see this world turning into a grey color, because it's like there's no positive change. Like if we don't have the tools to make this world better; even if we try, “fear” or “cupidity” turns against us.

I start to walk in the streets like a zombie, looking at this city like a big graveyard. Despite all this, people seems to find happyness. Yeah, I'm probablly the one who is grey…

by Kingpin

16 years, 10 months ago

Um… you haven't really left us a way of leaving some sort of suggestion as to how to solve your problem…

by pantshater24

16 years, 10 months ago

tacos: life's answer to anything

by sinister1

16 years, 10 months ago

Life is generally pretty crap. The world is full of drug users, rapists, murders and pedophiles. Wars break out for ridiculous reasons like bone structure.

I know exactly how you feel because often I feel it. The dull reptitive turning of the ghastly wheel that is life.

But that's only one side of it.

There's a saying… “if we could only appreciate the true miracle of a single daisy, our lives would be changed forever”

Just… look at what is good in the world, and rest assured, there IS good. Remember the early 90s and late 80s? Everyone convinced the world was dying due to us? We fixed it. The Ozone layer is closing, and things are getting better. War is considerably less than it used to be, though existing… there's less crime now than there ever was.

But if that's not enough… get out there and fix it. Become a police officer and protect people and uphold the law. Join the military and request a tour with the United Nations peacekeepers. Train to be a diplomat. Become a youth leader… do SOMETHING to make a difference to peoples lives.

by eatingfood1

16 years, 10 months ago

Take it from me, life can SEEM pretty sucky, yhea. Bad things happen to good ppl. good things happen to ppl who pretty much dont deserve the gift of life. There is war, murderers and molesters. i like to think that the bad ppl are the price for free thinking. when it feels like fate is taking a dump on me, just for kicks, I think to my self "Maybe * HE * is testing me.“ Have faith. Even if you choose not to believe in a god, you can still have faith. instead of looking at the evil on our world, look at the good. Embrace the light, shun the dark. suround your self with what makes you feel good. block out the bad. just have faith. have faith in one day, all will be right, weather in this realm, or the next. i also like to think to my self, ”What a wonderful world" Just have faith.

by Mat.

16 years, 10 months ago

If you don't like the cards you've been delt, change them. Don't expect someone else to.

Gandhi once said, “We must become the change we want to see.”

I relate a lot to music, and if you have the means, look up Staind's song “Falling.”

On “cupidity” (desire to posess something, greed or avarice, amung other definitions) I can't really say much.

I desire to have a high paying job, and desire to own my own business, which I'm working on.

Regardless, find something that makes you happy, and stick with it.

If you define “cupidity” as love, find someone that makes you happy, and someone that's happy with you.

Belief? Use your own descression.


by Only_Zuul

16 years, 10 months ago

Ok heres a tip on how to get a better out look on life, Dont watch the news… I know it sounds stupid, but the news try's to make the world look horriable. They only report on killings, war, stabbing etc. But at the end of the day what are the chances of this happening to you, or even near you, very very very very very low, these people make you tune in and give them ratings out of fear, and do they ever report on when somthing good that has happend, or when somthing bad is over? Nope. Like at the end of the new's after some kid gets stabbed, they make it sould like it's happening every five seconds yet at the end of the story, under their breath they say “police statistics acctually say violent crime has gone down” and they say this in such a low voice that half the time you dont hear it, so who you gonna belive the police, or some guy who is basically paid to scare people? Yes somtimes life dose suck sometimes, but just try and look past the suckage and look forward to meeting friends, going out or doing somthing you enjoy. Sorry for wall of text, kinda went on a rant. Hope this helps (also just buy the track dont worry be happy, its pure win" )

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 10 months ago

Unless you want to socialize yourself from the outside world, and literally be in shadows when something bad happens, I suggest you do watch the news.

Yes, life and the world is pretty bad sometimes, but completely taking yourself out of it isn't going to make things any better. It may even make things worse, as you don't learn to take things as well.

I'm sorry if this is rude, but deal with it. If everyone didn't learn to deal with bad things, we'd probably all be dead from suicide by now. I myself have had many momements where I thought I would never be able to live with myself, but I learned to accpet it and get on with life.

by Nix

16 years, 10 months ago

Peter Venkmen
Unless you want to socialize yourself from the outside world, and literally be in shadows when something bad happens, I suggest you do watch the news.

Yes, life and the world is pretty bad sometimes, but completely taking yourself out of it isn't going to make things any better. It may even make things worse, as you don't learn to take things as well.

I'm sorry if this is rude, but deal with it. If everyone didn't learn to deal with bad things, we'd probably all be dead from suicide by now. I myself have had many momements where I thought I would never be able to live with myself, but I learned to accpet it and get on with life.

Quoted For Truth.

by robbritton

16 years, 10 months ago

hell, i just peek at the papers on the tube - i catch the big stuff, the rest just filters out. the weight of the world is on no individuals shoulders. Do what you can, enjoy what you can, never feel bad if your own problems feel bigger than the worlds - of course they do, they are affecting you.

in the past year i've been through the fall out of two suicides, two natural deaths and the hospitalisation and subsequent caring for of one of the people I am closest to. These things can be overwhelming, but mortality has a flip side - it reminds you to live while you can, ESPECIALLY when you see people you know crumble and give up.

I prescribe a healthy dose of Do You Realize?? by the Flaming Lips and a walk past some cut grass in the sunshine. Look at it this way, even at your lowest, if you see a really excited dog running along and then banging it's head on a tree because it wasn't paying attention, you're always gonna laugh. You just never know where the next laugh is coming from.

I dunno, I've seen terrible things and I've felt awful over my years, but only last night the phrase ‘Poisson Urinal’ had me giggling so much I could hardly breathe for twenty minutes. I know that for whatever comes, there might just always be another ‘Poisson Urinal’ around the next bend. As it were.

EDIT: actually, I wouldn't mind having ‘Poisson Urinal’ on my tombstone. Nothing else, just that. Imagine if you stumbled upon that one whilst perusing the deceased!