They made my dream come true!

by sexysadie

17 years, 4 months ago

After over 18-1/2 years of wishing and hoping and praying and…well, you know how the song goes, I FINALLY MET ROGER DALTREY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We lined up outside the Paley Center, and Tommy spotted a black Mercedes pull up. Sure, enough, I was headed in that direction, and out came his angelicness. I approached him, and we shook hands. “Hi, I'm Sara,” I said. “Hi, nice to meet you,” he smiled. Then he walked inside the center.

The movie was amazing! I enjoyed every minute of it, as did Tommy. Heck, I was so captivated, I stepped out for a few minutes to cry. A half hour later, some dude bragged about taking a leak with Roger!

Afterwards, we convened outside again. I met and shook hands with Chris Stamp while waiting for Roger to perhaps sign a couple items. He was hurried to the next spot over for some reception. So, we waited there. And out he came, into his waiting car. Said he was late for something. So after one more wave and smile, I saw him off. Guess he wasn't up for autographs.

Afterwards, we convened outside again. I met and shook hands with Chris Stamp while waiting for Roger to perhaps sign a couple items. He was hurried to the next spot over for some reception. So, we waited there. And out he came, into his waiting car. Said he was late for something. So after one more wave and smile, I saw him off. Guess he wasn't up for autographs.

The point is, I got what I've been waiting for all my life. The best part was it wasn't like I imagined.

by pantshater24

17 years, 4 months ago

wow thats really cool that you got to meet him and finally accomplished one of your goals.

by sexysadie

17 years, 4 months ago

wow thats really cool that you got to meet him and finally accomplished one of your goals.