This site just isn't what it used to be

by fome

18 years, 1 month ago



Bo is Koopa?

works for me… :-)


he he

by sinister1

18 years, 1 month ago

Because Ghostbusters HQ is still a relatively new website…shhhyeah right. What a wonderful buyist abridged history of the community.

For those of you too entrenched in whatever fanatical belief you have, or those of you too new to remeber: there were days before and the community did exist before then. it survived then and guess what? It wasn't all concentrated in one place.

Yeah, the whole Holbrook thing did sort of have a bad effect on everything. But thats only one side of the story. Chad being away so much, which is understandable, and inconsistent policies also created problems.

Yep. And then it became centralised. And people were happy. There really wasn't any need for devolution to occur.

Anyway, I never said GBHQ was a new website.

by jesusfreak1

18 years, 1 month ago

Yep. And then it became centralised. And people were happy. There really wasn't any need for devolution to occur.

Anyway, I never said GBHQ was a new website.

Oh really?

Then the Holbrookarians went off and started on a new website run by a man named NetSolo.

GBHQ has been around since like 96/97… whereas GBN… since 2000-ish. Yeah….

by Kingpin

18 years, 1 month ago

I think people are confusing sites with forums, I'm pretty sure the GBHQ forum was a much more recent addition.

by DocFritz

18 years, 1 month ago

Before July 2003: GBN rules over the Ghostbusters online community. There are a few dissenter boards (Nightsquad, Brian Reilly's GB Community Board) but GBN is clearly the center.

July 5, 2003: Chad closes down The “old” GBN can still be seen at though it was totally unavailable for several months.

A new message board, this one, opens. At the time, it was under the Administration of Texasgb, SG1Star, and Icer Rose. At first it's url was

Mid-July: Chad reassumes control over the board, and fires the entire Mod staff. The url changes to, an url Chad had used years before.

Late July: Angered by Chad's “coup”, Netsolo, Bo Holbrook, Jesusfreak, and Maverick start the GBHQ message board.

GBHQ is pretty slow until March 2004, when GBN goes down completely for a period of several weeks. Many people get used to GBHQ; when GBN comes back up the board is at it's current url, Chad once again prunes the Mod staff, and many people decide not to come back. Also by this time other boards–Nightsquad, GBI, GBOmnibus–are also well established.

by jesusfreak1

18 years, 1 month ago

I think people are confusing sites with forums, I'm pretty sure the GBHQ forum was a much more recent addition.

GBHQ had a board back when Bill still had his board.. It came back, that doesn't constitue it as new. Sorry, but I'm as bad about having accurate facts as you two are

by Kingpin

18 years, 1 month ago

There's more too it then that… I've heard enough romping over at GBHQ that something was created when Bo wanted out here, and I'm pretty damn sure it was the messageboard.

I don't believe he had one as old as Bill's board was once.

Can't someone just ask Net?

by jesusfreak1

18 years, 1 month ago

Eh, we just talked him into bringing back his board. Back in the day a lot of boards existed. HQ had one, I'm vaguely sure Spook Central had one. Chad had one before Bill gave him the board… even after that you had boards like River of Slime that were vaguely popular….

by Kingpin

18 years, 1 month ago

How ironic… I just deleted four spambots that seemed to post in one shot.

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years, 1 month ago

Well is this guy posting porn everywhere a spambot!

And where do they come from. I think we need to give the Spambusters a call :p