This site just isn't what it used to be

by Guido75

18 years, 1 month ago

Im new and I cant talk about the “old days” being i dont know what was entitled in the “old days”. But I have absolutely fallen in love with this forum because now i can share my love for GB with other ghostheads….just wish i could find some ghostheads in Las Vegas so i can start a vegas chapter of Ghostbusters

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years, 1 month ago

Same here man. I love this forum.

But what do you mean by “vegas chapter of Ghostbusters”

by Egons_girlfriend24

18 years, 1 month ago

How ironic… I just deleted four spambots that seemed to post in one shot.



by Guido75

18 years, 1 month ago

just like having a group of guys and girls in vegas that share same interest….make props, go to the conventions in town….kinda like a club i guess lol

by river_of_slime

18 years, 1 month ago

Well I havent been around as long as Ron nor Zack but I seen Gbs rise and fall with the crowds. Right now where in a slow period cause theres not much happening going on… We get are popular spirts and slow down. When GBN was openned it was busy busy and it was fun talking to all those people. I miss a few people like Mr. Pecker, dressboy (ben you remember him) the kid had dress on in his default picture…

I miss really being the news guy and breaking a lot of news with the ghostheads. I was the first one to report about the diecast cars that came out as well some misc other news.

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years, 1 month ago

4 Years ago, was that?

by river_of_slime

18 years, 1 month ago

I've been a Ghosthead since July 07, 2002 (looked it up on GBN) so thats about 4yrs ago. I also was the first one to write a full report on Ecto-1a at Universal Orlando. I can remember the “Its coming” thread lol as well breaking the news on the dvd that came out a couple yrs ago. I broke a lot of news with gbs… right now the news is SLOW but people are talking about the game.

Anyways enough about news… the start of the split when AJ first opened up the GBfans message boards. I can remember being in Chats where nobody knew it but Seb was in there talking to fans about the comic as a regular fan. So many memories lol

by Shadow_weaveR

18 years ago

lol I ran into Bo on myspace awhile back, apparently hes unemployed in pitstown or wherever he lives and broken up with the scarecrow he was dating. Does he still post at GBHQ?

by Kingpin

18 years ago

lol I ran into Bo on myspace awhile back, apparently hes unemployed in pitstown or wherever he lives and broken up with the scarecrow he was dating. Does he still post at GBHQ?

Yes, yes he does.

This part of your annual roundup, Shadow?

by NetSolo

17 years, 10 months ago

Can't someone just ask Net?

Doesn't really matter to me who was first or yadda yadda yadda. I did have a message board that we ousted because nobody posted on it (if memory serves it was on some sort of free hosting site that ate it like Something like that).

As far as I'm concerned the melodramatics are long over.

Quit picking at the scabs, didn't your mom ever tell you they'll never heal?