This site just isn't what it used to be

by Sayingkingkilla

17 years, 10 months ago

Solo, why'd you stop updating the site?

by back

17 years, 10 months ago

Those who had been with the site for years had begun to exhaust all that they could talk about.
yea, after surfing Ghostbusters boards for a decade you tend to get all your questions answered. (*ray)
That does not mean that you cant still answer them.

Looking down the timeline, yea… i remember it all happening.
it just amazes me how i ocassionally lurk the GBHQ boards to see if someones saying something new, fresh and interesting without getting flamed or be-littled by holbrook or other users.
Not that often someone New can greet themselfs and shake some hands then not get insulted. but hey, thats cool. every board is different. everyone is different.
i Personally Dont enjoy the GBHQ boards for the reason of ‘bashing’. Not cool in my books, not something i tolerate - so i walk away and come to a place where its a bit cleaner.
this so called ‘bashing’ isnt considered a bad thing to some. but wouldnt people naturally come to Ghostbusters related message boards to post about Ghostbusters?
Not get Insulted, Flamed or taunted by some users. (*peter)
Ive seen GBHQ, there CAN be topics there that are Quite heathly (as they are here) and Progressive. Some of the other ones, ehhh… not so much (as those can exist here as well).
im Not knocking that board, nor would i. just some users make it a tad bit uncomfortable for my liking. it really is a Great place for some to feel welcome and get great conversations happening about what the boards aimed at.

But im not going to post where some people are just as welcome to shake your hand as some are immediately to treat you like a piece of sh*t without reason or explanation. its just ‘their’ thing they do, thats all they do and frankly, i think thats the Only thing ‘their’ capable of actually successing at.
So thats when i shake my head in dissapointment & disgust at what humanity has evolved to. (*egon)

there was once many different boards existing in harmony based on this one subject of Ghostbusters. Why was it torn apart? no one will ever really know. people will hear tons of different stories on who did what and what site did ‘that’.
all you can look at now is whats right in front of you.

you have a boatload of retards ocassionally docking at several different message boards where there behaviours are Not welcome and some boards tolerate it.

in the end someone gets insulted and leaves only because of an elite few and there thoughtless rude comments.
Some claim that its freedom of speech… Very True! its your god given Right to be a complete a**hole, pervert or porn addict. But look at what happens in return… Negitivity.
Who in the hell wants to talk a faveroite past time when they Know the replies to ones message will be possibly ‘littled’ by someone?


has the Entire community gone down the drain and been lost forever?
people still read, learn, discuss, chat, post, reply and get answers.
theres always something new and cool on the go. theres a couple movies comming out, lots of fan-fics, art, specs, propping, FX and video game demos.

depending on what levels of profanity, insults, pornography and flaming that your comfortable with you can simply choose where you want to go. there is no good or bad boards, just ‘perferred’ sites for many.
right now i shall sign away. been a while since ive posted.
im gone.