thought on pack dimentions


23 years, 4 months ago

I was looking at the packs in the prop section of a few minutes ago. I was reading a review of a pack that someone had kind of made fun of for not being the correct dimensions. My question is, are any of the plans floating around on the internet COMPLETELY accutrate in size? From what I recall when Norm(and I'm not knocking the guy, I think his plans are fantastic…I used ‘em for my pack) got the dimensions from Planet Hollywood, he just guestimated. Or did they actually let him take the pack out of the glass case and measure it? Well, I guess the point of this message is that, no matter how bad you think your pack may be, take pride in the fact that NO ONE has a completely accurate pack, ’cept for the folks at Sony/Columbia prop department…oh, and Planet Hollywood…..and….nevermind.

Happy Halloween.
-Matthew Sturm

by Ectoman

23 years, 4 months ago

I believe you're talking about Stefan? Or are you talking about Mike Neal?

Stefan used a CAD program that allowed him to match up the plans exactly to Volguus, and Myself's pictures. Norm and Stefan's plans are dead on. There are a few discrepancies, but either way you are going to end up with a awesome pack.

If you want to see how Stefan get's his measurements.. Click here to see a post at the ASAP message board.

by Dr.Mays

23 years, 4 months ago

the thing that I always think about when I go out with my pack on- is that no one at the mall has the thousands of screen shot movie pictures that we've all referenced a hundred and two times to build these things. The first year the middle Tennessee Ghostbusters went out we had packs only as big as a cat litter box, with butter boxes and tuperware hot glued onto it- and let me tell you- people went crazy! Put on a smile and have fun! With the logo, some variation of the pack and the right attitude you'll have a blast.


23 years, 4 months ago

Dr. Mays, I think that is the point Im trying to make. No matter how shitty you think your pack looks, to the average joe, its going to be the greatest thing since sliced bread. If you read my other message that I posted last night on the main board you'd know that I was in a costume contest last night. We lost. Big….some girl dressed like Britney Spears, a guy who was Uncle Sam with Bin Ladens head on a nuce, and two amish guys taking a sheep from both sides…you get the idea. Anywhoo, it was great to see crowd response to us….they thought the stuff looked awesome. People didnt believe that I built the packs…and I assure you, mine arent even that good. Anyway, this whole thread is supposed to be a bit of a confidance builder for anyone who thinks their pack looks shitty.

-matthew sturm

by Spike

23 years, 4 months ago

Well I'm happy with mine, lol. It did get a little damaged though unfortunately


23 years, 4 months ago

one thing i noticed the my “proto” proton pack witch i built all out of memory was a big hit, and my jump suit dosnt even have a logo or name tag or anything but like i said my stuff is just getting started, but for the pre-apearnce by ghostbusters virginia it went pretty well!

by Qwert.w.bush

23 years ago

does anybody know how i can contact norm so i can ask him to build me a prton pack with working lights and sound.
If so email me at
thanks again

by ecto-3

23 years ago

Bush, you can find norm at his website here: Facade FX

You can contact him from there as well.

Back on topic,

Personally my pack is going to be off in measurement, the motherboard will be wider at the top, smaller in the middle, and wider at the bottom. We wont know what it looks like until its done though