Keele I
When they were made, ppl were easier to convince that Ghosts were swarming The world and it was funny. Now its not such a fresh idea any more. how can the GB3 “Movie” recapture the same supernatural paranoia as was created when the first and second came out and make us laugh uncontrolably? With Good Jokes and Amazing special effects. not likely There is much more something i don't think new actors could pull off.
anyone feel what im saying?
Welcome to the boards man. I must say I whole heartedly disagree though. There are still tons of paranormal movies out there. In fact, they're probably the most popular genre. Think about it… Harry Potter, Underworld, etc. Plus this can even almost be considered a superhero movie by some, not me, but some people do, so that's also another HUGE genre. And as for good jokes, there are tons of hilarious young actors out there who could pull off great jokes. I still maintain Ryan Reynolds would be flat out AMAZING as a Ghostbuster. I still like the idea of Will Smith, even though some hate it. And I also think that Justin Long (Dodgeball, Waiting) would be really good. These of course are in addition to the usual casting ideas of Vince Vaughn and Ben Stiller, although I don't really think Ben Stiller would be that good for a GB movie.