THREE-TOES: a cartoon about three-toed sloth...

by thespud1

17 years ago

Hey, so I've been a ghosthead for a while now (though really only a lurker recently) and thought that some of you might be interested in this cartoon I do. See, aside from watching GB 1 and 2, I spend a lot of time working on this cartoon show that I'm trying to get off the ground.

THREE-TOES depicts the lives of two three-toed sloth named Jellybean and Gravity. The two have escaped the confines of their cage, yet still hang out in the zoo where they live…mostly to mess with other animals that are still locked up. The show is heavily influenced by a lot of Adult Swim's programming (namely Home Movies) as well as things like Arrested Development, Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends, and The Simpsons. It's pretty laid back and is said to have been reminiscent of the comedy of Demetri Martin and The Office (people actually said that, I'm not just making it up). It's mostly talking, but things do happen if you watch.

Here's a couple clips:
Jellybean talks about his green moldy coat:
A goat-ish animal asks Gravity for some drugs:
Jellybean meets Rob the snake:
Halloween costumes!:
A polar bear conversing with a giraffe:
Jellybean atop a rhinoceros:

And if you like any of that, there's a whole mess of crazy stuff in the latest episode “One Fell Into The Cuckoo's Nest” that I'm really proud of here:

Actually, now that I think about it, amongst other pop culture references, there is at least one line from the first Ghostbusters movie that appears in an episode. There might be more, but I'm positive there is at least one line in episode four from GB1. There'll be more on the way too.

If you get a chance, check it out and let me know what you think. We could use your support. EDIT: Also, we have a website at

by thespud1

17 years ago

Nobody caught the ghostbusters line? It's right around the five minute mark: It's not like a family guy type of reference where one of the characters just says “hey, ghostbusters!”, it's a line from the movie that I worked into the episode. It's not a real significant line, it's just something I thought was fitting. I figured someone would have picked up on it by now. I plan on using more obvious lines later, but I thought some people here would appreciate this one.

by thespud1

16 years, 11 months ago

One last note, then I'll let this thread sink like it has been. I just remembered there's a second line from Ghostbusters that was referenced in the show.

The first one that no one has commented on is just past the five minute mark of the latest episode:

The second one is about a minute into the halloween episode (not to mention that Jellybean's costume in this scene is somewhat inspired by a certain popular RGB villain):

I figured some ghostheads might appreciate the use of these lines. If not you guys I don't know who would. There have been lesser refrences mentioned in the General GB discussion. Maybe I should have posted there.