Thrower quandry

by raymondstantz1

15 years, 8 months ago

Im hoping to place an order withing the next week possibly for a resin thrower kit but i dont know wether to go withThrowingChicken's kit which i will need to buy some extra parts for or the MMM kit which includes just about everything i need, can onyone offer any advice?


by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 8 months ago

Raymond Stantz;141229
Im hoping to place an order withing the next week possibly for a resin thrower kit but i dont know wether to go withThrowingChicken's kit which i will need to buy some extra parts for or the MMM kit which includes just about everything i need, can onyone offer any advice?


It would help if you posted the price differences… quality differences, etc.

I mean, if they're similar in price, it would seem to me to make sense to just get the more complete one.