::Tigran's News::

by jay_tigran1

18 years, 3 months ago

Figured I might as well throw this out there before more people get confused…

Mellie & I have split up.

Yes, the couple that ran the CGBs is now seperated, split, etc…
Some of you knew this, some didn't…
basically, we lost the spark, for lack of a better term…so now, single people…

I will take back full control of the CGBs… although, whether I continue them or not is up in the air as I don't have the free time I did in High School & even college to run the site, do stories, etc…

If anyone has any questions or comments, feel free to speak your mind

by Dr.D

18 years, 3 months ago

Sorry man, but if it's not meant to be… well you know the rest.

by Kingpin

18 years, 3 months ago

Sorry to hear that, Jay.

Is the hope that you guys will remain friends even if not partners?

by jay_tigran1

18 years, 3 months ago

oh yah, we're still doing the friends thing…

by mellie1

18 years, 3 months ago

Coulda informed me that you were going public :@

OH, and you'll be hearing from my lawyers at Dewey, Cheetham and Howe, I want the Proton Packs!

by Kingpin

18 years, 3 months ago

I'm sure you'll also be hearing from Jay's own Lawyers at Chatham, Cheetham and Runn.

by jay_tigran1

18 years, 3 months ago

Coulda informed me that you were going public :@

OH, and you'll be hearing from my lawyers at Dewey, Cheetham and Howe, I want the Proton Packs!

I thought it was fairly public…and I confused people on one of the forums, so I made a quick public statement so as to not confuse anyone else.

And considering we aren't together, I didn't feel the need to inform you

now that'll be the end of that discussion.

by Kingpin

18 years, 3 months ago

Jay, I don't think she was being serious.

by jay_tigran1

18 years, 3 months ago

Jay, I don't think she was being serious.

I could never tell with her


18 years, 3 months ago

If the last line didn't clue you in, then I dunno what to tell ya, man. Nobody takes a smilie post seriously, and that post is full of smilies.