Time for the Brits to open a Ghostbusters Franchise!!

by jayofthedead

16 years ago

And here would be the car!! (*egon) BMW Tourer coming soon!!! BTW Does anyone know where i can get the die cast ecto 1 (Yeah the big one with the slimer) from??

by RickyM

16 years ago

lol dude you only live about 20 mins from me, we should start this buisness, all we need is the car and the proton pack, then find an abandoned building and make it the home and then ‘who you gunna call’ lol

by doctorvenkman1

16 years ago

There actually is an existing Ghostbusters UK franchise, just so you know.

by jayofthedead

16 years ago

I am planning to get a white mini clubman at somepoint real soon and this will be done i can assure you…. Then who ya gonna call!

by RickyM

16 years ago

what you mean there is people who run around with proton packs on there backs and trap ghosts? or you mean like they sell stuff related to ghostbusters here in the uk, lol i just orderd my ghostbusters shirt off ebay, theres also the dress up gear, i may get it for memrobilia (sorry for spelling),

by matthew1

16 years ago

Set up a Ghostbusters francise? I don't get it. Do yoyu mean a little group where you organise get togethers and dress up?

by RickyM

16 years ago

Set up a Ghostbusters francise? I don't get it. Do yoyu mean a little group where you organise get togethers and dress up?

thats kinda what i thought, but makin it an official company, that would kick all ass if it actually worked lol

by matthew1

16 years ago

LOL I'd be too embarrassed to walk out of the house dressed up like that.

by doctorvenkman1

16 years ago

thats kinda what i thought, but makin it an official company, that would kick all ass if it actually worked lol

Ok, official company… I'll take it that you're just dreaming and spitballing ideas, no big deal, cuz obviously you can't make a real Ghostbusters company without infringing on some copyrights and the equipment doesn't exist.

As far as franchises… they're fans. Some organize get togethers, some go to conventions, some do charity work, some just write fan fiction. Ghostbusters UK is the UK version of this.

by RickyM

16 years ago

yeaah i get you lol, and yep am just playin i know theres no way under the sun to start an actual ghostbusters buisness like the famous 4 lol would be good tho gotta admit that