just out of curiosity, are you in the industry? You're enough of an expert to know how to identify one type of glitch from another?
You'd be surprised how many video/dvd releasing companies don't really know what they're doing, and will get a jobsworth to fire out an excuse that joe public, who not knowing any better, will believe. On this set alone, they didn't format widescreen footage properly to make it anamorphic, got some episodes playing at the wrong speed, and didn't research enough to get some episodes with the original music. Hardly a glowing example of full competence at work. I even ended up training people from one dvd company in the UK after they botched a bunch of DVDs they released of my work, and this label had been in business for years. the staff didn't understand broadcast safe colour or audio levels, and trashed loads of DVDs they released. They told me a lot of rubbish too, until I sortd them out.
Believe what you want, what do I know after my experience? I've been working with Robert Englund on my current project, and I'm happy enough about that