
by Only_Zuul

17 years, 1 month ago

Hi I'm trying to make a haunted house Ghostbusters map on Time splitters Future perfect. But in Story mode the Ghost gun (looks alot like a proton pack imo) Dosent kill any normal bad guys, and the ghosts arent included in the list of enemy's :-( So they give you a useless weapon in mapmaker (o_O) . The problem is it works in Arcade with bots, but I cant make it so one team uses ghost guns and others cant. Anyone know how to fix my problem.

by heslimedme251

17 years, 1 month ago

Probably more a question for a Timesplitters (or similar) forum! You might get lucky though!

by Only_Zuul

17 years, 1 month ago

Sorry I looked for a TS forums and all of them were dead or worse…. overun with spam bots :-(