TimeSplitters 4

by protonslinger1

17 years, 4 months ago

For all those video game fans out there, Free Radical has announced TimeSplitters 4.
If you don’t know about the TimeSplitters games, you should. I know I am going to get a lot of hate mail for saying this, but the TimeSplitters games are much better then the Halo games. They are so creative and amazingly fun and funny. Just try to play flame tag and not have fun!


by BigMac

17 years, 4 months ago

Is it like one of those 3D shooter type games?

I like games similar to GTA where you can drive cars, boats, planes, have shootouts. Basically can do whatever you want. I don’t see why so many people like games where all you can do is runaround shooting people. I think that would quickly get boring.

by fusi0n1

17 years, 4 months ago

Cool, thanks for the link proton slinger, I had no idea.

I play TS2 every now and again with my mates when I catch up at his house. Even though we have 3, we love 2 more so will definitely check this out.

I like both styles of games. GTA is great at combining several genres into one, but it doesn't really “shine” in any particular genre. It's weapon/shooting systme is rather bland (i.e you just “lock on” and shoot), and the driving isn't quite as realistic (I know that it's not meant to be, it's just GTA's style) Don't get me wrong I love GTA (although kinda wanted GTA:SA just to end so I can get onto the next game) and I'm sure 4 will kick ass.

But what if you just wanted to just play a great shooting game (First Person Shooter) like Halo or Doom? That's just about clearing out buildings, or taking down an alien invasion using a gun in your hand? It's awesome! (Oh, and the best FPS? If you can only ever play 1 FPS game? Half-Life 2!)

by BigMac

17 years, 4 months ago

I know GTA doesn’t have really realistic driving and shooting affects but that’s what I like about it. You can accomplish really crazy stuff in the game because of the way the cars and stuff handle.

I actually hope future GTA games don’t have really realistic physics because real life physics are boring.

But one question fusi0n, you said Lock on and shoot. Is that for the PS version? I don’t remember it ever locking on target when on computer.

by fusi0n1

17 years, 4 months ago

You can accomplish really crazy stuff in the game because of the way the cars and stuff handle.
Now that to me, gets boring after a while. Crazy stunts, aimlessly driving around, maybe it's because I have 2 kids, but I don't have time to just do nothing anymore, I have to do something… :p

I actually hope future GTA games don’t have really realistic physics because real life physics are boring.
Yeah I must admit, that was the series' charm. It had it's own style bordering on cartoony.

But one question fusi0n, you said Lock on and shoot. Is that for the PS version? I don’t remember it ever locking on target when on computer.
Yeah sorry, I assume everyone who plays GTA is on a console, but since you are modding of course you'd be PC! I have played all GTAs on PC (played Multi-Theft Auto? I kinda got over it pretty quick), except GTA:LCS and GTA:VCS. And you “lock-on” when you shoot guys. I think they have a free aiming mode, but it's really awkward. And I don't think you could move.

Now back to your regularly scheduled topic of Timesplitters.

I wonder if it will be a PS3 exclusive? They don't seem to be getting them anymore… (ie. exclusives also mean having it only on PS3 for a certain amount of time. I only have an Xbox360 and ps2, not sure if I could ever afford a Ps2! (Will take ages for a price drop to get to Aus)

by protonslinger1

17 years, 4 months ago

About GTA:

For those of you looking forward to GTA IV because you liked the style, you might be disappointed. GTA IV is taking a lot more of a serious approach. It’s not going to be so serious that it is a one hit kill death kind of thing but it will not be as wacky or unbelievable as the rest.

About TimeSplitters:

Free Radical the people who have made all of the TimeSplitters games are usually pretty good about sharing the love across multiple systems. The first TimeSplitters was only on the PS2 because it was a day one launch title and the GameCube and XBOX did not exist back then and the Dreamcast would have not been able to handle that game as well as it should.

TimeSplitters is a lot more entertaining then ALL first person shooters because it has so many modes and is not all about go into the room shoot every one dead and go to the next. All three games have a wonderful challenge mode where you have to do some pretty random objectives.