Tired of playing the same damn game......

by mrstaypuft1181

14 years, 9 months ago

I really do not want to be negative but last night I started my 5th conquest on beating the game. And now it's getting boring…They really need to come out with some DLC and now because I will probably shelf the game before I even finish it for the 5th time…Very Disapointed !!! (;_

by skankerzero

14 years, 9 months ago

I really do not want to be negative but last night I started my 5th conquest on beating the game. And now it's getting boring…They really need to come out with some DLC and now because I will probably shelf the game before I even finish it for the 5th time…Very Disapointed !!! (;_

5 times is pretty good. Nothing to be disappointed about.

Remember when games NEVER came with DLC?

I suggest taking a break from it and coming back to it later. Don't burn yourself out on it.

by jay_tigran1

14 years, 9 months ago

I'm with skanker on this one…

games back in the day had no DLC and were, therefore, “the same game over and over”

we're quite privileged to get DLC for games these days, but not all games have them either.

by PeterVenkmen

14 years, 9 months ago

Everything will get boring if you do over again too often. But like said, just take a break from it. Play something else for a month or so before going back to it.

by ghostbusters2131

14 years, 9 months ago

I have beaten it only twice, played some live but I like to play it from time to time, to not get bored soon. It´s such a great game… but I agree, some DLC could give it more life.

by ghstbstrlmliii1

14 years, 9 months ago

The game is great (aside from the glitches). I have rarely downloaded DLC for my other games, though I would do for GB in a heartbeat. If they would just put out a patch so I could get the final achievements (I'm stuck at 47), I'd be happy. And I agree with what's been said before - get away from it for a while (I've been playing AvP) then come back and it's just as fun.

At this point - if the decision is between putting out DLC or saving it and putting it into a second game - I'd say let them put it into a second game. (Thought I'm not holding my breath on that one)

by jettajeffro

14 years, 9 months ago

I sipped the game like a fine wine. I only played it about an hour or two a week. Didn't beat it till October after getting it at the Midnight release party we had. I'm now only on my 2nd time through. Most of our team stayed up after the release party and had it beat by noon. I think it was also because I knew we wouldn't get another game for along time if ever. I know at one time they said they were going to wait to see what happens with a 3rd film.

by Ectofiend

14 years, 9 months ago

I've beat it on all of the difficulty levels multiple times, achieved most of the trophies, replayed the single levels endlessly, got the highest rank possible in multiplayer, and captured almost all of the “most wanted” ghosts…Not only that but I played it slightly different each time, and as a result saw something new, and/or heard dialogue that I hadn't experienced yet every so often…

I put it down when I've got a newer game to explore , but I never get tired of it…

Though, not unlike everyone else here, I would like to see some new DLC down the line…

by ToastDuster

14 years, 9 months ago

I've started playing mine again after leaving it for a while, trying to get the most wanted ghosts. It's not easy due to the bugs. For some reason if I set up a match myself, I never get any career cash at the end of it, and my count of what types of game I've played doesn't go up either, which means I'm not getting any closer to reaching the targets needed for certain ghosts to appear.
What I have to do is browse and hopet hat somebody else has set up a sutiable match, but due to ping bugs, when I'm in one, I can rarely even see a ghost in it's correct position, let alone hit it.
It's a disgrace how buggy this game still is. I have no hope of getting the rest of the trophies due to all this.

On a different note, if you really are fed up with the game, there are other older GB games that are still fun. I still enjoy playing the original Spectrum version on an emulator every now and then.

by ToastDuster

14 years, 9 months ago

now i'm getting annoying ‘tik’ sounds when playing campaigns….
Will the list of bugs never end?