Tired of playing the same damn game......

by skankerzero

14 years, 9 months ago

now i'm getting annoying ‘tik’ sounds when playing campaigns….
Will the list of bugs never end?

'tik' sounds?

it's not really a bug unless it's happening across all copies of the game.

I know I've never experienced it.

by jay_tigran1

14 years, 9 months ago

I get a nervous tik in my neck when ever people complain needlessly…

I should stop going on the internet

by ToastDuster

14 years, 9 months ago

'tik' sounds?

it's not really a bug unless it's happening across all copies of the game.

I know I've never experienced it.

only on campaigns, starts between sections when scores are being counted. Never did it before

by jogi82

14 years, 8 months ago

i have played it the 29th time right now and yes, some dlc would be nice!
hey skanks, u were in the development of the game right?
what to do do get some dlc? should we make a vote or so an sent the result to atari?

by Stichamania

14 years, 8 months ago

I have never had a problem with this game except online. It glitches every now and then but not terribly. I got all the trophies and beat the game 100% without any problems.

by ToastDuster

14 years, 8 months ago

You get more bugs on the PS3 version if you're outside the USA/Canada. Some problems with the ping apparently affects it in numoerous ways. I never get any career cash if I start a match myself, often can;t hit ghosts because of ping delays (and end up with ‘light show’ on almost every match as a result), and absolutely can't ever get some of the trophies as the bugs stop me from being able to.

by Buckynohair

14 years, 8 months ago

I don't get any problems with my ps3 Ghostbusters online. Well, apart from if I join another game. That's when i get lag. But if i'm the host I get no problems at all. Same happens on the 360 version for me and my nephew. Shouldn't be any lag really, it hardly has high capacity games like cod to deal with. There's like 4 players at most in 1 game. Got the platinum trophy after couple of weeks after release date too.

by Ectofiend

14 years, 8 months ago

My only problem with multiplayer with someone not from the US, and the players flit on and off the screen , enemies that you can't see attack and incapacitate you, and the inability to trap ghost properly…

ANNNNOYING to say the very least (*egon)…

Well that and when the other players don't play fair, don't help incapcitated players back up, shoot other players in hopes of knocking them over, hog ghosts , and quit matches mid-campaign casue they can't stand the other player for otherwise stupid reasons…