by wildcat

17 years, 11 months ago

Iv always loved TMNT…….Iv been watching the original toon from those DVD volumes….I have 1-7….don't know when 8's coming.

I had bunch of the original toys but we moved 8 years ago and alot of stuff got taken to storage and most got ruined….i still have the 4 original “Ninja Action” figs though and Rocksteady.

Now Iv collected the new toys from there rerurn in 03 and i have all 4 new movie turtes and thier new van.

by fixer791

17 years, 11 months ago

Not doing amazing in the box office.

Isn't it?
That's odd…
On the Imagi banner on the TMNT website, you see Splinter saying “Number one movie in the USA”

Are you calling Master Splinter a liar, Killa?

by misfit1

17 years, 11 months ago

It grossed more then it cost to make at the box office already.

soooo, the sequel…

*spoiler—scroll past this*

Shredder returning?

*end spoiler*

Your thoughts?

by PeterVenkmen

17 years, 11 months ago

It might be Shredder, or, might be Karia in the shredder amour, that's the possibilities. But Peter Laird, one of the creators, said shredder has been done to death.

by fixer791

17 years, 11 months ago

Peter Venkmen
Peter Laird, one of the creators, said shredder has been done to death.


I've never been a huge fan of Krang, but maybe it's time to revamp him for a possible sequel….

In fact, I've only seen him in the old cartoon… Did he ever appear before in the comics or afterwards in the new animated series? Or was he just created solely for the nineties cartoon?

by misfit1

17 years, 11 months ago

Peter Venkmen
Peter Laird, one of the creators, said shredder has been done to death.


I've never been a huge fan of Krang, but maybe it's time to revamp him for a possible sequel….

In fact, I've only seen him in the old cartoon… Did he ever appear before in the comics or afterwards in the new animated series? Or was he just created solely for the nineties cartoon?

Krang was taken from elements of the comics shredder character. I dont know why they decided to do it, but hey, you know 80's cartoons producers. (*peter)

In the comics there is a peacefull race of aliens known as the Utroms (they look like krang, but like to hide in robot human bodys to blend in). The shredder was an evil utrom that fled to earth and landed in fudal japan. the other utroms followed him to earth and have been looking for him ever since.

Untill the turtles killed him.

by DocFritz

17 years, 11 months ago

Peter Venkmen
Peter Laird, one of the creators, said shredder has been done to death.


I've never been a huge fan of Krang, but maybe it's time to revamp him for a possible sequel….

In fact, I've only seen him in the old cartoon… Did he ever appear before in the comics or afterwards in the new animated series? Or was he just created solely for the nineties cartoon?

Krang was taken from elements of the comics shredder character. I dont know why they decided to do it, but hey, you know 80's cartoons producers. (*peter)

In the comics there is a peacefull race of aliens known as the Utroms (they look like krang, but like to hide in robot human bodys to blend in). The shredder was an evil utrom that fled to earth and landed in fudal japan. the other utroms followed him to earth and have been looking for him ever since.

Untill the turtles killed him.

Actually, in the comics Shredder was a human named Oroku Saki–he got pissed and killed Hamato Yoshi because Yoshi killed his brother, Oroku Nagi, when Nagi tried to rape Yoshi's girlfriend. It was the recent TMNT cartoon that made Shredder an Utrom–I look at it as making that version of Shredder kind like having the old Shredder and Krang at the same time.

by fixer791

17 years, 11 months ago

Krang was taken from elements of the comics shredder character. I dont know why they decided to do it, but hey, you know 80's cartoons producers. (*peter)

In the comics there is a peacefull race of aliens known as the Utroms (they look like krang, but like to hide in robot human bodys to blend in). The shredder was an evil utrom that fled to earth and landed in fudal japan. the other utroms followed him to earth and have been looking for him ever since.

Untill the turtles killed him.

Thanks for the info, Misfit. I didn't know all that. The only TMNT comics I read were the original book (by Eastman & Laird) and a few of the comics based on the first cartoon series in the nineties…
Guess I missed quite a lot…

by PeterVenkmen

17 years, 11 months ago

Oroku Saki's brother was killed by Yoshi while he was still a kid. Really pissed him off, so he trained himself for years and eventually became head of the foot, and finally killed Hamato Yoshi.

Shredder actually died in the first issue, but I think came back as clone or something.

by Sayingkingkilla

17 years, 11 months ago

I said it wasn't doing amazing in the boxoffice, and it really isn't. It was number #1 last week, but that wasn't saying a whole lot. 300 was right behind it last week and 300 has been in theaters for like 3 weeks now.

Oh btw, just checked the numbers again and 300 has now toppled TMNT for #1.

On another note, the director stated in the latest issue of Sci-Fi mag that they won't proceed for a sequel unless the film makes atleast 100 Million in America.