Another live-action turtle movie would be sweet. I just watched TMNT, I liked it a lot. I'm an old school turtle fan, and haven't watched any of the new stuff so I'm not sure if there were any tie-ins I didn't recognize, or if April and Kasey looked kinda like that in the new cartoons. I tried watching one of the new cartoons and it was something like TMNT in the future or something, and I just didn't like it, too much stuff was different than I remember. I loved the old school stuff too much, I even bought the movies that McDonalds used to sell, not sure if any of you remember those or not they were the cartoon episodes I think.
I would love to see a live-action sequel, especially since they give the idea of Shredder coming, although it may not be him, could be bebop and rocksteady or tokka and rahzar, or krang, or the rat king, or that fly guy scientist baxter and his mousers, and there was mechaturtle, ohh and I almost forgot about leatherhead. Anyways the line about faces of your past can mean almost anybody, so I'm not gonna drive myself nuts about it. I would like however if it was Shredder and live-action, to see someone like Ken Wantanabe(The Last Samurai, Memoirs of a Geisha, and other films) or Jet-Li to play Shredder that would get me in the theater.