To All Fan Fic Writers (Mainly Fritz)

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 7 months ago

Ya, I would have to agree with ya there. The new PKE Meter, despite being cool, IS a little hard to swallow…but I do have to say I like the “multiple bar graph” layout / function of pointing where a disturbance is better the “waterfall” function of the originals

by DocFritz

15 years, 7 months ago

Like Jeff said, I'm woefully underpowered in the video game department. The most advanced system I personally own is a PS1, and I hardly ever play anything on it. My brother lives in the same house and has a PS2, which would make it the most practical version for me to play on.

We do have a friend with an X-Box 360, but it's hard to justify spending the money to buy a game you can't even play at home; especially when that friend has a tendency to sell his game consoles every once in a while when money's tight.

There are several issues being analyzed; I admitted on the Ectozone that it doesn't sprock everything up as bad as it might have, but then again, it's my nature to expect the worst. It means that anything that isn't as bad as feared is a pleasant surprise.:-)

Some of the new equipment might be, as Jeff said, judged too expensive for regular use and packed away and forgotten about. And/or some of it may be said to “really” be new stuff that “the developers put it into the game even though we didn't really have it in 1991–because it's so cool!”.

The Gozer plot may take some handwaving too; we did a massive story a few years ago which had our own idea for the Second Coming of Gozer. That said, I'm already kind of liking the idea of Ivo Shandor himself making a return in 1991; in the GBOTFF continuity, the game would probably happen between “Zodiac Imperative” and the actual shutdown of the company in “As Dreams Fade”; Shandor seeing the ectosphere draining, and his chances at destroying the world fading, makes a last desperate effort. It does provide a neat kind of “bookend” to the career of the original Ghostbuster to have their last major case involve the guy who helped cause their first major case.

But yeah, everything is still pretty fluid at this moment. Me and a bunch of other writers have worked hard over the last six years to make this stuff all work, and we want to be as careful as possible with any changes to eighteen years of continuity.

by muthapussbucket1

15 years, 7 months ago

Fritz, have you tried the Pc version?

Also, I'm confused, I thought “canon” meant from Ramis or Akroyd? Regardless of whether you liked it or not, the game is canon, including everything in it. Also, I know you guys are going to try hard to tie all these together, but what if the new movie has the GBs STILL in business at 2010? That might make it difficult. After all, Ramis and Dan have no reason to try to tie EGB into what they do, although there is a small EGB type trap in the GB firehouse in the basement in the game.

What I'm REALLY interested in is getting a Video Game accurate pack.

Oh Jeff, the Slime Plant was not just black slime, they comment that every type of slime was being made there.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 7 months ago

Also, I'm confused, I thought “canon” meant from Ramis or Akroyd? Regardless of whether you liked it or not, the game is canon, including everything in it. Also, I know you guys are going to try hard to tie all these together, but what if the new movie has the GBs STILL in business at 2010? That might make it difficult. After all, Ramis and Dan have no reason to try to tie EGB into what they do, although there is a small EGB type trap in the GB firehouse in the basement in the game.

Strictly speaking canon refers to the works of a writer or writers which are generally considered accepted as continuity within a given fictional universe.

Considering how long we have been without new official Ghostbusters Canon a lot of Fanon, which could be considered canon within there own respective universes, have been developed by fan fic writers such as Fritz.

by jesusfreak1

15 years, 7 months ago

I don't know about you guys, but I think one thing the game gives us is a justification for the EGB pack.

Think of it this way, removing the cycltron prevents overheating. Using precharged cells/whatever to blast with makes sense if the packs can overheat.

We can even further this idea, think of adding the cells to a normal pack. You could blow off the steam without having to cease fire.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 7 months ago

Hmmm…I never really thought of that Ron…that's some good insight.

by thedavetini

15 years, 7 months ago

I think this might be a good gozer situation on why Ivo Shandor was in charge.

Maybe after gozer was defeated once he can't come back unless someone helps him. Shandor knew this so he deceived him by telling him he was going to help him come back, but he had to make sure to bring back the girl. He sent gozer back as Stay Puft then after he failed that time. Shandor then somehow killed him and took his power.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 7 months ago

Ray straight out explained why Gozer (if it even was him to begin with) came back as Stay Puft) but I dunno about the rest of it…it definitely is a gaping plot hole that could be touched on in the future in my opinion

by TheRazorsEdge

15 years, 7 months ago

Also, I'm confused, I thought “canon” meant from Ramis or Akroyd? Regardless of whether you liked it or not, the game is canon, including everything in it. Also, I know you guys are going to try hard to tie all these together, but what if the new movie has the GBs STILL in business at 2010? That might make it difficult. After all, Ramis and Dan have no reason to try to tie EGB into what they do, although there is a small EGB type trap in the GB firehouse in the basement in the game.

In this topic, the canon we're referring to isn't the canon of the movies, it's the canon of the fan fictions, which is to say, the Ghostbusters Omnibus Timeline that Fritz created and maintains.

The Omnibus is designed to make the movies and the cartoons co-exist and if you don't believe they should co-exist then this topic isn't for you.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 7 months ago

Has anyone put any thought into canonizing some of or any of the multiplayer elements such as the PKE Disruptor and such?


I am currently in talks with Lea (my girlfriend) about canonizing certain multiplayer elements into our own stories