To Anyone With a Gateway Laptop (Important Computer Issue)

by slimelord1

14 years, 7 months ago

If you have a Gateway MT6460 laptop that uses the 32-bit Windows Vista, please tell me if you've updated your BIOS and how to do so. I ask because my computer's fan has been acting up, running much longer than usual (sometimes as much as an hour without stopping once) and makes my system very hot. I'm concerned eventually it'll make my system so hot it'll damage it internally and render it unusable, which I can't afford to happen. The warranty for my computer unfortunately expired almost two years ago and can't be renewed. I've spoken with online tech support and they gave me an update package to flash my BIOS which in turn would update my motherboard and make the fan act more normally. However this package is missing a file called “Winphlash1656.exe,” which is required to go ahead with the update. A Google search yielded this link on the official Gateway website, however I'm uncertain if this is the proper file to download and if it'll work. I know running a file not compatible with the machine can damage it as can the fan making the machine so hot it'll ruin it, and I'm wary to download anything.

So anyone here who has a Gateway MT6460 laptop with the 32-bit Windows Vista and has done BIOS update using these files, do they work at all? Thanks in advance, it's greatly appreciated to anyone who can help.

by bhunji

14 years, 7 months ago

Is your machine listed under the Supported Computers and Parts section on that page?

If it is, that is the correct file… as long as you have the correct file there really isn't much to updating a BIOS, just make sure you don't lose power while the flash is happening. Most newer BIOS' can be updated while still running windows.

by slimelord1

14 years, 7 months ago

No mention of the MT6460 (my model) being on there.

by bhunji

14 years, 7 months ago

by slimelord1

14 years, 7 months ago

Thanks. I may have already tried using some of those files, but I could try again later and see if I have better luck. I'll let you know.