To be.........Or NOT to careful what you wish for.

by DarkLotus

21 years, 11 months ago

Nice to see some people feel the same way I do. I would like to know what everyone thinks…

Just my thoughts

by Shadow_weaveR

21 years, 11 months ago

im with you Dark Lotus.

by castewar

21 years, 11 months ago

The idea for the ghostbusters1 is dan aykroyd's. he is the gene rodbery for ghostbusters.
gene rodbery is creator of star trek
he is guy that is why I spell Jene wheit a g

“The idea for Ghostbusters 1 is Dan Aykroyd's. He is the Gene Roddenbery of Ghostbusters. Gene Roddenbery is the creator of Star Trek. He is a guy, that is why I spell Gene with a G”

it is come out. THANK GOD I am rigth I feel the new cast well be a ghosthead. he/she wooded know the inprot us ghostheads are.

ps how is laughing now

“I has come out. Thank God I am right. I feel the new cast will be a ghosthead. He/she would know the importance to us ghostheads (I'm guessing on this last one).
PS - Who's laughing now.”

What's come out Ghosttrek? The third movie? Not yet it hasn't, it's only being talked about. There are no plans to make a third movie right now.

Personally, I'm not interested one way or another if they make a third. If I did, I'd agonize over why there isn't on. If they do, awesome, I'm interested to see how it turns out. If they don't, I still enjoy the first movies (and the cartoons - really, so far I haven't been terribly dissapointed with any of it).

Look at it like this. Robocop was great. The second movie was pretty good. It spawns a cartoon and comic. Then they make a third. It's awful. But it keeps the ball rolling enough that they make a TV series (so-so) and a mini-series (which was so-so, but better). And that was just last year. Robocop is almost as old as GB and it's still going. So anything they do can only keep things moving along. And if not, c'est la vie.

by GhostTrek

21 years, 11 months ago

ok don,t bet by head off.
atfer 14 years of weant for gb3 i think this good news. :d i am sorry i am polpep mad but gene rodberry thing
is a good thing it call a commayet

by DarkLotus

21 years, 11 months ago

Were not BITING your head off, and there is no “good news”. Were just talking about GB3 and just asking you to please review your writings before you post. They are barely understandable.

by castewar

21 years, 11 months ago

I wasn't taking issue with you Ghost Trek, I was just unclear if you meant the third movie. You seemed awfully excited about it, I was just wondering what you'd heard.

And yes, the Roddenbery thing is an excellent compliment. We can only hope Ghostbusters is one day as big as Star Trek.

by GhostTrek

21 years, 10 months ago

it is wolrd wide. it is good a neve for me

by GhostTrek

21 years, 10 months ago

I do not know it is good news or not

by FrederickSchmec

21 years, 10 months ago

I agree with you as well Dark Lotus.
The actors who made and starred in the first movie were all friends in comedy, and starred together before that. I don't think you can get that particular feel again. They are also too old to play the roles.
And I would hate to see it custom tailored for a target audience.
Hollywood should learn from it's success and work to make films with the same type of genuineness and creativity.

:s ; Frederick Schmeck

by venky

21 years, 10 months ago

without trying to be defeatist, GBIII will not be made. even if it is, it will not be anything like the first two, anything that we would like. they cannot bring back the ghostbusters. movies, at least. the companionship and comedic perfection we saw cannot be reproduced. on the off chance that there was one made, it would be made to rake in the most money possible. ah, america today