To Chad

by ghostbuster418

22 years ago

Do the moderators have to clear it with you before they lock a post? I don't understand why some of the posts are getting locked. I think there should be some sort of balloting thing. Like everyone who wants to, can put their 2 cents in and complain on messages of controversy. If the author complains then delete it.And if it seems like it could be a problem then you can lock it. But if people are responding to it and the author isn't complaining then I think we should be able to speak our minds. This thing with the moderators is kinda starting to bug me. But other than that I love what you've done with the site.

by Zack

22 years ago

Do not post a new thread about a topic that someone already posted about. Instead, reply to the topic and contribute to the conversation. Double threads will be deleted, the original one will stay.

I am just following that from the member rules. It just means to contribute to an already existing discussion. I'm doing the same thing I've been doing before we even had the ability to lock threads whereas normally I'd just be deleting them just now you can see it. :d I don't want to sound like I'm getting onto anybody for it, just redirecting :s


by Chad

22 years ago

The mods enforce the rules. The majority of the locked posts are locked because people are either posting topics that are already available in other threads. Therefore a mod will lock the topic and redirect them to the conversation.

Also, mods lock topics that would have been deleted before the new board came a few days ago. This is to give the user a sense of understanding as to why they shouldn't post what they are posting. i.e., why they broke the rules. I think this is very nice of the mods to do instead of deleting the posts. They are going out of their way to make sure the community runs smooth.

by ghostbuster418

22 years ago

Ahhhhh I get it. thanks guys