As all of you know already, i offend people. Whenever I posts something I tend to offend somebody for any reason. It's just the way I'am, and there's nothing I can do about it. I just speak my mind based what I have read, and what happens before I come to this site. I apologize for any offensive posts I have made, and for any future offensive posts.
by SkullLeader
23 years ago
Bah, I find nothing offensive about it.
No Big deal.
“'Tis only a flesh wound!”
23 years ago
Your not offensive.
by Chad
23 years ago
You have offended me and the rest of the group in the past and I hope to see more constructive posts in the future. Please try and realize that there is a whole community of people (of all ages) and you should hold your temper the best you can.
by Mario
23 years ago
Today I'm finally going in for counselling, my friends, my boss, and many faculty members have recomended me to the University Counselling center in my college.
by Mario
23 years ago
I just got back from the Counselling Center, and it turns out that I'm only a threat to myself and no one else. I will have another appointment next week.