To Jay Tigran

by SavannahGB

23 years ago

Hey man, i was wondering about something. I was gonna read your stories but i dunno where to start. I saw the latest entries were epi 6-9 and the earliest submitted was part 12….i mean wheres the beginning? whats the chronology? i'd hate to read the middle and then jump to the beginnning or something to that effect. can you help me out so i can read and rate your story?

by Jay_Tigran

23 years ago

sarry about the mix up…
but the one's titled “The Return” isn't quite finished yet, there's 3 finished parts so far, and the other one, vamp's in Dean, is a completely diffrent story…

If yu want to read them all in order, head to my site, The CGBs, and read them there and just sign the guestbook with yur review.

by oracalG

23 years ago

LISTEN WELL, you'll find many stories written by kids and many of them aren't even all that interesting! Many of these people don't know how to introduce a story not alone explain the theories of what is going on. If you want to read a good story by one of our fellow dedicated GB lovers, look around until you find one entertaining. You can ask if this is the beginning of the story and whether or not their are anymore. When I begin writing my story, I'll have everything wrapped up in one. Until I get a different idea, then that will be strapped to a different fiction. Not to mention this will inspire you to possibly write your own writing.


by Jay_Tigran

23 years ago

Usually, when a writer has a point, they do their best to make it as noticable as possible. What was your point???

by Dr.Spengler

22 years, 12 months ago

Hey Oracal,

I respect your rating of 4 for my Field of Screams.
You were right, I did not introduce the chracters and I kinda jumped right into the story.
I just figured that everyone here would know what I'm talking about, considering this is
But not matter. I respect your rating.
And since you seem to know what a good fan fic should have, and I'm serious about this, you should contribute one to the site.
I'm serious about this, I would love to see it, because you do seem to have a good grasp on what a good fanfic should consist of.

To Jay: Keep up the good work on the stories. I've read some on your site since last year, and have started reading them on

Okay, I'm done now.

by SavannahGB

22 years, 12 months ago

OracleG, i understand your point about people writing an intro to their story, but just in case you start reviewing my story that i posted, theres something i want you to know. My Rendezvous at Crystal Lake part1 was orginially going to be a teaser to my real story. But i decided to keep going where i was and i put up several posts of what the backstory is. So if you rate my story, i just wanted you to know about the backstory of it. IT started out as a Spider-man story but i added the Ghostbusters and wanted to get to the middle of the action (since i lost the first 15 pages i had handwritten) and just jumped to what would have been the middle of the story. Spidey was webswingin to Daily Bugle, got assigned to the temporary Reporter Ray Stantz who is going to Crystal Lake to investigate reports of paranormal phenomenon and missing persons. I had this part of teh backstory written above my story when i submitted it but Chad for some reason didnt keep it on there and so just the story is there. Now if you want a full explanation other than whats up here, ill bump the topic i had posted all the info under up to the top so you can see it.

BTW–how old are you anyway? It took me about 3 times to understand what the hell you were saying if your supposed to be a “good” writer. And we sure are coming off modest arent we? About being “inspired” to do something once we've read your work?…if i had a nickel for everytime i heard that…Bill Gates,look out..

PS–“write your own writing”? Does that sound like something a good writer would end a sentence with?

by SavannahGB

22 years, 12 months ago

Besides OracleG, why should i have to ask permission if i can ask if there are anymore stories to something? Are you saying im not supposed to ask if there are anymore stories, etc? That seems a little totalitarian to me… I'll ask anyone any damn question i want to and im not asking for you to ok it. So if you are telling me i cant ask someone something about the chronology of their stories, i only have one thing to say to you…aww, maybe i shouldnt say that…im sure your imagination could provide something a hundred times worse to you than something i would have said.

by SavannahGB

22 years, 12 months ago

And if your gonna try to make me angry by trying to start a rumor or something, forget it. No matter what you do isnt gonna affect me. If im coming off strong, its just because you really come off arrogant and really Holier-than-thou in that last post and i just hate that. If you aint, then i apologize. There, ive said my piece.

by VincentBelmont

22 years, 12 months ago

(Vincent looks on, wide eyed, opens his mouth to try to break the silence, thinks better of it, and quietly makes his exit.)

by Egon15

22 years, 12 months ago

(Watches Vince leave, looks at all the people in the room, smiles, and slowly side-steps out of the room.)