To M. Scott specifically, though anyone can answer!

by Sinister

22 years ago

Loved your script, I have recently finished a GB3 script of my own, the question I need to ask is this:

I noticed you copyrighted your, how can i do that with mine.


by Biggsexi

21 years, 12 months ago

I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for a response from M.Scott…I'm not sure he's even an active member anymore.. anyway, for my two cents, and people are free to disagree. but I don't think that he's actually LEGALLY copyrighted it in that sense.. but if you copyed it and made actual money off of it, I belive he has grounds to sue you on just because he has proof, “The original”.. just my opinon.

by Ectoman

21 years, 12 months ago

You wrote it. You own it.

by Shadow_weaveR

21 years, 12 months ago

uless the shadowweaver steals it from you Mwuahahahahhahahaha

by Mr.Sandman

21 years, 11 months ago

I prrof-read the thing and gave suggestion changes. The part where Venkman goes through the door in the ghost-world was my idea, like that RGB ep with poser.

by M.Scott

21 years, 10 months ago

Biggsexi had it basically right. The nature of copyright is that anything you create is copywritten by nature. If Sony took my script and made GB3 from it (not likely, but a nice thought), I could sue the pants off them. Wouldn't make many friends in Hollywood, but the fact is what you write, you own.

And Mr. Sandman: I had a lot of help writing the script (and no surprise, I was 15 at the time), but I remember that Venkman running through the ghost world door was in the very first draft, before I showed it to anyone (I was writing in installments at that point).

I need to come around here more often.

M. Scott

by LordVego

21 years, 10 months ago

yo…i thought you guys said this dude wasnt active lol